♥ Chapter 21 ♥

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Darshan sat with his kidfriend on a table nearby and I adorned him from a distance while sipping my coffee. They way he smiled like a kid while taking to her, those mesmerising eyes and that pure smile oI 'f his did something to my heart. My soul smiled smiled looking him like that, it was a very different and pure feeling. I don't know why but Sneha always keep of saying that maybe I'm in love with him, and after I slapped Kartik for insulting him, she was sure about it, but today, for the first time, I felt like maybe.....maybe Sneha's right. Maybe I love Darshan Raval, my V. Bhakti said something to him and then he burst out into a soft laughter, his almond shaped eyes shrinked and he looked like a Chinese; a cute, handsome and hot Chinese; a smile stretched on my face too. They hi-fived and Darshan kept on holding her hand, he didn't leave it and gradually his smiling face turned into a romantic one; my heart dropped. It was a miserable feeling at that moment, seconds before when he was just talking to her, I was completely fine, in fact I was happy seeing him happy and smiling, but now, when he's being romantic and he held her hand, I can't he that, I feel like punching Bhakti on her face. Yes, for the first time, I'm jealous of her, I'm jealous of that kid. That was the first time my brain accepted what my heart felt for him, what Sneha has been saying since a long time. Yes, I love him, I love Darshan Raval, my V. I looked away from them to my coffee cup. I felt the urge to cry but I bit my lower lip controlling myself. I fought with myself to not to think about 'them', when I heard a fake cough near me, trying to get my attention. "Did she slap you on face and went away for doing that?", I jokingly asked without looking up from the cup. Not the slapping part, but I so wished the rest of the sentence to be true. "She did", a male voice emerged and my eyes widened because it wasn't Darshan's. Wait it was...

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