Chapter 1

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*Follow me on twitter ! @IrishandBrits.... Enjoy.xx

"Stop,Niall." I managed to spit out while Niall tickled my sides. We were sitting on the couch in his flat watching Finding Nemo when he turned to stare at me and the attacked me and he showed his cute little smile.

"I will help you Emily," screamed Liam as he ran through the door but instead of helping he started tickling my feet where I was super ticklish. "ahh.stop" I giggled.

The boys have been my bestfriends for a year now. Except for Niall we had went to school together since we were 4. We were really close. Now that he was a celebrity and I lived in the States, I barely got to see him. The time that I did get to see the boys, I held close to my heart.

"Liam that wasn't nice. Two against one ,not fair." Danielle laughed as she ran over to the couch and started tickling Liam as I tickled Niall. The girls finally won after we were worn out and we all laid down on the couch.

Danielle curled up next to Liam and he put his arm around her shoulders. I put my head in Niall's lap when Liam said " What are you guys doing tonight?". "Nothing, wanna double date ?" I laughed and Danielle's face brightened and she started jumping up and down begging Liam.


"I hope this place as plenty of food. I haven't ate in three years," Niall said then we all laughed. "Niall,you ate a 6 inch sub three hours ago." I said.We all walked toward our table.

Surprisingly they weren't a lot of people taking pictures outside. Which made me happy. Everytime me and Niall went out they asked if we were dating and we replied no but they still asked every time.

Niall ordered a beer and started to order one for me but then said " Not of age yet, want an apple juice little girl?" He laughed and i rolled my eyes then ordered a soda.

When our waitor walked away Niall took out his phone and got on twitter. He took a picture of all of us and tweeted " These guys are amazing. They are getting me food" Our phones vibrated and we took the out and all laughed looking at the tweet.

We all ate and laughed a lot but half way through our dinner. Liam and Niall got a text from Harry. It was a picture of Niall's flat completely covered in toilet paper and said "You might want to come home,"


As we drove up to the flat i stared in awe. It was all white. "What the hell !" Niall screamed and half laughed. He wanted to be mad but he knew it was funny.

We walked in the door and saw Louis standing there in the living room.When he saw us he smiled and said "Welcome Home,". I couldnt help but laugh.

Eleanor popped out of the kitchen saying " I told him not to do it,but he doesnt listen well," Niall was just standing there with a straight face and then his face was getting red and i knew he was mad. I was still laughing but i reached over rubbed Niall's arm up and down.

"Calm down. It was just a joke. It's funny. Come on Nialler." I said. I wasnt sure what he was gonna do next but he started laughing very loudly then it went silent,which was his normal laugh. I loved it.

After he was down laughing. He looked at all of us in the room , one by one. Then randomly he said " Let's go swimming !" We all laughed and Niall ran up the stairs to his room so he could change.

Louis and Eleanor went back to Louis' flat to change which was two houses down and as i walked up stairs to change i pulled my iphone out my back pocket and texted the rest of the boys saying we were going swimming.


"Harry !" I screamed as my head went under the water. When i came back up he was outside the pool laughing. " That was so mean," I stuck my bottom lip out. I reached for his hand and said " You could at least help me back out after pushing me in". "Fine" he said. As soon as our hands made contact i pulled him in.

When he came back up he came towards me and we started play fighting. I jumped on his back and Louis said " oh yes. Chicken fights !" He grabbed Eleanor and put her on his shoulders and i got on Harry's.

Eleanor was about fall off when Niall came and tickled the bottom of my foot. I burst into laughter and fell off Harry's shoulders.

*My heart's a stereo. It beats for you so listen close.Hear my thoughts in every note.*

Niall's phone rang and he got out to answer it. "Hey mom. Really? Yeah,sure. Can't wait. Love you too." Then he hung up.

"Hey Emily, my mom is coming to London tonight. Wanna go with me to pick her up from the airport?" Niall asked me.

I loved Ms.Maura so much. " Of course, i will go get ready."


Hope you liked the first chapter. Please vote and comment, i always like GOOD feedback. xx

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