Chapter 8

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*Here it is guys. Have fun. I'm trying to improve my writing because I know it isn't that good.*


“I told you to set an alarm.” Liam said as he pushed open the door with a little too much force so it banged into the wall. “Sorry.” I got out of my bed and walked to go get my clothes out of my suitcase and then walked towards the door to go take a shower, but Niall grabbed my hand.

“Please don’t go.” He begged me. “Nialller, I don’t want to. I have to, remember?” I smiled at him. He didn’t say anything just leaned in and kissed me very soft. I turned back around and walked to the bathroom before Liam came back in and yelled.

“Em, I can’t believe you are really leaving now.” Louis said as we arrived at the airport. “I know. It’s sad, but it’s just for two months and then you guys will be touring and can come see me.” I told him trying to not think about how long those two months are going to be.

Niall held my hand as we walked to my gate. As soon as we got there the announcer said they were boarding. I turned around to face the boys, telling myself over and over that I was not going to cry.

At first we all just stared at each other and then Liam took the lead and stepped towards me. “I’m going to miss you like crazy. Call me when you land and be careful.” He told me and then pulled me in for a big hug .I whispered in his ear “Keep these boys under control for me.”

Then Harry came and pushed us apart and said, “Emily, you better not get pregnant while we are gone.”I laughed and let him pull me closer into a hug. I glanced over at Niall, but he didn’t seem to be listening to Harry, he was just looking at all the people boarding the plane.

Then someone started to cry loudly or that’ what it sounded like. I turned to see Louis fake crying and almost yelling “Emily, don’t leave me, please.” He grabbed me and finally stopped and put his hands on my back. He finally let me go and stepped slowly back in line with the others as Zayn stepped forward.

“Only two moths and we are going to see you again. You are coming to all of the concerts, promise? ” He asked. “Promise” I replied and threw my hands around his neck. We let go of each other and he kissed my cheek. Everyone turned to look at Niall who seemed to have just noticed what was going on.

He walked up to me and just stared and me. I looked into his beautiful blue eyes and finally couldn’t hold it in anymore. The first tear slid down my cheek and then another. He hugged me tightly and said “It’s just two months. I will call you everyday and we can have skype dates, babe. It will be just like we are together.” “Except we aren’t” I told him.

He didn’t say anything else ,but he finally released me when the announcer said “ Finale call for anyone flying to California.” I looked up at Niall and he whispered in my ear “I love you” and then he kissed me. I knew I had to go, so I let go of Niall and turned.

I walked to the gate without turning around to see the boys. I’m sure my whole face was red and puffy and I didn’t want them to worry about me. I gave the lady my ticket and walked to the plane.

As I found my seat on the plane, I reached in my purse to turn off my iphone, but I had two texts. One was from Niall. I read these words “59 days and 23 hours. I’m starting the countdown now.I love you babe.xx.” The other was from Liam “WE ALREADY MISS YOU EM. Don’t forget to call me when you land. Love you. (: “ I smiled and turned my phone off as the plane started to ascend into the sky.


*Well there it is. It's kind of a depressing chapter but Mondays are pretty depressing too. So..... Anyways I hope you guys like it. Vote? Comment?

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