Chapter 3

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She was under arrest.

She was under house arrest or rather castle arrest, it seemed. Not that she was complaining, it was better accommodations than her own house and she had a gorgeous view of the ocean. She sat there, gazing at the blue ocean and sipping at wine as she leaned against the chair. Many thoughts ran through her mind, what will happen to her now? Will she be executed, not just for her insolence, declining her aid to the crown but also asking for queen's lover? She did not know and sighed; it did not matter. Nothing mattered more than Daario Naharis, her life without him was already stale and half dead as if it were a living hell, might as well get it over with. She had nothing live for if not Daario Naharis, there was no one else she cared for.

No one will miss her if she were to be executed, so, it would be alright. She found herself pathetic and in pit of despair and sorrow, self-pitying herself for no one would mourn her if she were to die tomorrow, no one at all. Not even Daario Naharis who stood there as if he were hard rock statue with no emotions for few movements after unholy confession and left the court in another movement. How sad her life was, she thought to herself and how melancholic she was?

Her thoughts reverie was broken as her doors opened and she did not move when Tyrion Lannister strolled into her rooms and set down with a self-served cup of wine from nearby tables. Ronnika did not say anything at all as they sipped wine together, the silence was broken by Tyrion Lannister, 'Not the cleverest thing was it," Ronnika turned to face him, "to ask for Daario Naharis, when you could have asked for anything. Castle in Westeros, starting your own dynasty and to carve your name into history, anything at all and you asked for queen's lover?"

Ronnika shrugged and Tyrion Lannister noticed she did not seem surprised on the piece of information he divulged, either that or she had hell of a bluffing face. She turned away from him, facing the ocean again, watching the serene blue waters and its voices. "Was it suppose to impress anyone?" In the royal court, was Daario Naharis who she had lost her heart to be impressed or Daenerys Targaryen who had heart of Daario Naharis to be impressed? Or was it just a simple display of power or her cunning, Tyrion did not know.

Tyrion saw her purse in her lips, those lips that dripped with arrogance. "It impressed you, I suppose." Tyrion raised his glass to her and she did the same. "I assume you are not here to meet and get drunk with a flower girl and listen to her tales of woe and unrequited love.' Her dark eyes flicked in his direction, "I also presume you are here to negotiate with me on behalf of your beggar queen."

"Yes, yes. You presume correctly."

"Well," she started as she turned her side to face him, "I believe it'd be interesting story to hear as to how a gold shitting Lannister is now negotiating on behalf of the dragon queen. Considering the unkind histories between both the houses, your father had her niece and nephew carved up and gifted them to the new king in a red Lannister cloak. Does she know that?"

Tyrion's eyes narrow at her, "The queen does not believe in mistakes made by our parents to be our fault." She is not to be thread lightly with, Tyrion thought to himself. She knew who he was, not many people here knew of his Lannister origins and she also knew what it meant. She seemed rather well versed with history of Westeros and its great houses, it would not surprise him if she knew of their new allegiances and its repercussions.

"But then again she is the daughter of the Mad King, she has no right to judge anyone." She hummed to herself, "Is she any different, your beggar queen or is she her father's daughter?" She continued without letting Tyrion answer, "I suspect she is a little mad, considering the brutality of her short reign in Essos." Referring to their executions of masters.

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