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The person stood before me smiled sheepishly as he waved his hand at me. "Surprise?" He said more like asked.

"Lucas, what about your meeting?" I asked, still not believing that he's actually here, when he's supposed to be in Russia.

He put his arm around my waist and walked me towards his car. "Don't worry baby, it's all settled. We did the meeting yesterday and besides," he opened the door to the passenger's seat and pushed me in lightly. He buckled me up, "we both know that I wouldn't want to miss this important day." He completed and pecked my lips.

My face reddened and he smirked at the sight. He closed the door for me and turned to face Cara, Quinn and Rebecca. He said something to them but I couldn't really hear it because the door was closed. I only heard the word 'another'. The three of them scowled at him and wanted to protest but before they could say anything, Lucas rounded the car and sat on the driver's seat.

He looked at me and grinned, "Let's go."

"Oh, let's just wait for them to get in–" Before I could continue my sentence, Lucas had already drove away from the driveway. My eyes widened and I quickly turned my head around to see my friends. From a distance, I saw them getting into Cara's car while muttering some things to each other.

I turned back around and squinted my eyes at him. He took a quick glance at me before focusing back on the road with his poker face. I shook my head and with that, we drove to the boutique with a comfortable silence.


The day went by fast. We've already done everything that was needed to be done. Now, we are going to grab a bite since this day was so tiring. Cara, Quinn and Rebecca decided to go back home to spend time with their lovers. Cara with Brian, Quinn with Cam, and Rebecca with Kyle.

Except for the fact that Quinn and Cam are not yet lovers. Cam is too dense for his own good. I know that his crush for me has already long gone since he was clearly there when Lucas proposed to me. He didn't say anything about it, so that means he's already over me from way before that.

Lucas parked the car in front of a simple diner. As usual, he told me to wait before he stepped out of the car and went to open the door for me. I honestly can't see any point of doing this, because I have two hands and both are still fine to do things on my own.

We walked into the diner and Lucas led me to a table. We took our seats and the waiter came to us almost immediately. He gave us the menu and I pretended to check on it since I already knew what I want.

"Two cheeseburgers with fries. Orange juice for me and milk tea for my fiancé." Lucas told the waiter who quickly took notes.

Even Lucas had already known, he didn't even have to ask me about what I want.

After the waiter had scurried off, I smiled at Lucas gratefully since he ordered for me. I've never been one who is comfortable with strangers. He smiled back knowingly and we just stared at each other for God knows how long. If people look at us, they would probably think that we've just started dating. When the truth is it's been 5 months since we got engaged.

Lucas reached his hand out towards me and brushed strands of hair off of my face. "Your hair is getting longer." He commented.

I don't know what happened to me but the sudden act made me blush. I looked down onto the table and smiled. Lucas chuckled throatily before holding my chin to make me look up again. "Shy?" He asked teasingly which made my face flush even more.

"How cute." He said and my face reddened yet again.

"Stop." I meant to say it loud and clear but my voice betrayed me and decided that I should say it in a soft whisper.

"Okay, okay." He laughed and retreated his hand. But not long after that he held my hand from under the table, making me glare at him playfully. "Let me crash at your place tonight?"

I felt like the words he just said had another meaning. I stared at him to figure him out. He smirked, probably to tell me that my suspicion is right. My eyes then fell out of my sockets.

I opened my mouth to tell him he can't but just then the waiter came back with our food. After he left, I opened my mouth again but Lucas raised an eyebrow at me. "Eat more, talk less." He warned like a father warns his daughter.

I gritted my teeth and glared at him hard. If looks could kill, he would've been six feet under the ground. He looked at me and then at my burger, silently telling me to eat. I grabbed the burger and took a big mouthful bite while he stared, his eyes danced with amusement.

After we're done eating, Lucas stood up and went to the cashier to pay for our food. He told me to wait at his car so I did, while crossing my arms onto my chest.

"Come on." Lucas said while opening the door for me.

"You will send me home and then go back to your own." I stated, refusing to get into the car before he agrees.

He put his hand onto the top of the door and put his chin onto his hand, "And why should I do that?" He asked lazily.

"Because I said so."

"Okay. We'll see." He shrugged and pushed me in.

Usually, car rides with Lucas would be in comfortable silence but this time it was tensed. I couldn't help but feel bothered for what he's about to do. No, I mean, I'm not bothered, but I'm nervous because it'll be my first. And seeing Lucas, he must've experienced it at least several times before.

I shook my thoughts away when we reached my house. My heartbeats quickened and I looked at Lucas with horror.

He chuckled at my expression, "Why are you looking at me as if you're looking at a ghost?"


"Relax." He said and got out.

We got into my house, hand in hand, before he closed the door and locked it. He brought me to the couch and sat me down before he sat beside me. I gulped and waited for the worst but what he said next made me feel ten times more embarrassed.

"Why don't we watch a movie?"

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