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I woke up from my deep sleep with a smile on my face as I instantly remembered about what had happened last night. It was the best night of my life. My love and I had went out to eat dinner at this fancy restaurant which is owned by my close acquaintance, Marcus Valentino.

We talked about nothing and everything as we ate and as I admired her beautiful face as if I just met her for the first time. I know our first encounter wasn't as great but yesterday, it felt like we just met each other all over again. Her bright eyes captured me just like how they captured me when we first met each other two years ago.

Two years ago. It felt like yesterday. My first impression of her was; annoying. I chuckled at that thought.

"Hey baby, do you remember how we first met?" I asked my Victoria whom I assumed was still laying down beside me. When I was greeted by nothing but silence, I frowned and turned my head to the side only to be greeted by an empty sheet. I patted the fabric, it felt warm, so it means that she had just stood up.

I heard a flushing sound from the bathroom. So I guess she was using the toilet.

I sat up from the bed and waited for her to come out. Soon enough, my angel came out from the bathroom as she wiped her mouth with a tissue paper. Her face looked pale and she barely opened her eyes. I instantly went alerted and rushed to her, wrapping her securely in my arms.

"Hey baby what's wrong? Are you sick?" I asked, concern was clear in my voice.

"I-I don't know, I woke up feeling sick, I felt like throwing up so I rushed towards the toilet bowl." She explained in barely a whisper. I sighed. She looks like she's about to faint.

"I think you should lay down." I said and before she could say anything else, I picked her up and walked towards the bed. I laid her down gently before I swiped away her bangs which are getting longer away so I could see her face clearly. "Just close your eyes, okay. Everything will be alright." I cooed at her.

She sighed and nodded at me before closing her eyes. I waited until her breath was even before I walked out of our room, man it felt good to say that, to cook us some breakfast. But before I walked down the stairs, I reached for my phone first so that I could call my doctor to come and check on my wife. Man, it felt good to say that too.

He answered after the second ring. "Yes, Mr. William?"

"Dr. Klaus, I need you to come to my house this instant."

"Of course." And with that, he cut the call off. I smirked, knowing that I had hired the right person to be my personal doctor. 

10 minutes later, I was bringing our breakfast upstairs when the doorbell rang. It must be the doctor. Oh well, the guards will handle him since I already told them that he would be coming. With that, I continued my way up carefully as I was holding a tray of toasts with a jar of honey jelly. Yup, that was why it only took me 10 minutes to get the breakfast ready.

I opened the door to our room and put the tray on the table. I went to check on my love, she was still asleep. I hate to wake her up but the doctor is here, and plus she needs to eat.

I put a hand on her shoulder before shaking her lightly, "Baby? Baby wake up please, the doctor is here to check on you."

She groaned softly and mumbled some words which sounded suspiciously like, "Let me sleep, moron." How dare she called me moron? I chuckled and shook my head before I shook her body again.

"Come on sleepyhead, wake up or I'll tickle you."

"Noo, anything but that." She mumbled stubbornly.

"Oh but you'll get it if you don't wake up right now." I threatened and she sighed, knowing that she had lost, before opening her beautiful eyes slowly, making them visible for me to admire.

Our eyes met. We stared at each other for a long minute before she broke it with a cute greet. "Hi." She said cutely making me grin from ear to ear.

"Fancy meeting you." I whispered huskily making her smile shyly. What is she getting shy for? Just yesterday she let me see her nake-

My thoughts were cut short when someone knocked on the door to our room. I cleared my throat before telling the doctor to come in. The door swung open revealing one of my men and Dr. Klaus.

"Sir." My guard greeted me as he bowed, I nodded to dismiss him but then realized that he couldn't see me since his eyes were looking down at the floor.

"Thank you, you may go." I dismissed him and he nodded curtly before walking away from us. 

"What seems to be the problem, Mr. William?" The doctor asked making me turn my attention towards him. Dr. Klaus is a 42-year-old doctor, he is a very skillful doctor that my family had hired ever since he was in his early twenties. I made him my personal doctor when I was 18 because I like him and my dad didn't seem to mind it so why not?

"My wife. She is sick. She threw up this morning." I told him. He nodded in understanding before he took several steps forward so he could be near us.

He looked at Victoria, then at me. "Do you mind if I-" 

He didn't even have to finish his words, "Sure." I said stepping aside so he could sit beside my wife.

I stood there as he checked on my love. None of us uttering a single word, and that kind of ticked me off. I wanted to know if she is having a fever or worse, some kind of a serious illness. I looked at Victoria then at the doctor, he was nodding to himself, oh God help me here, I want to know what he's nodding at! But I don't want to disturb him when he's doing his job.

After what felt like hours, he finally stood up from the chair and looked at both of us with a smile. Now can somebody tell me what is he smiling about? My wife is sick and he is smiling. Is he rude or what?

"Well Mr. and Mrs. William, congratulations. It seems like you're having a baby." He threw the bomb at us before I could even tell him to drop the smile. My eyes went out of their sockets and my jaw fell down onto the floor. Excuse me?

"I'm pregnant." My love asked but it sounded more like a statement. Dr. Klaus nodded at her still smiling, confirming it. She then looked at me, mirroring my expression.



We both said at the same time, making the doctor chuckled at us. "Congratulations." He said again. I grinned and ran to him, hugging him tightly while saying countless 'thank you' to him.

"Hey, I'm not the one who made the baby." He said and I immediately pulled away. I looked at him wide eyed. "What?" He asked.

"Bad joke, doctor. Bad joke." Victoria said shaking her head.

Dr. Klaus shrugged his shoulders, before walking towards the door. "Well, I'm sure you don't want me around now, so I'll text about the things that you must do on my way home. Happy celebrating." He said and shut the door after him.

"He's weird." My wife commented.

"And funny...kinda?" I continued, making her snort with laughter. Okay well that's new.

She continued that ugly but kind of adorable laugh and after 20 seconds or so, she stopped. "Oops, past habit came to life." She told me and I shook my head, smiling at her in amusement.

I opened my arms widely as I stalked towards her, "Come here you." I said before I engulfed her in a tight hug. She also wrapped her arms tightly around me, as if to assure me that the feeling is mutual.

"I love you." She whispered to me, making me smile endlessly.

"I love you more, my Victoria."


The end.

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