Onto Jimin and Jhope, they arrived at theatre area, to see if Tae's phone was there. They looked around the whole street. They even asked locals if they saw a purple phone, but no luck. Things were getting frustrated for them.

"Ahh..what the? This is getting outta hand!! We don't have much time, and still haven't found Taehyung's phone!!", shouted Jhope.

"Please calm down, Hyung. Let's look in more areas and see if we can find out", suggested Jimin.

"Okay fine, let's hurry!!", Jhope said and they left the theatre area, to look elsewhere.

Meanwhile, Jin and Suga went to the beach area to see if Tae's phone was there. The place was pretty hot and sunny...and crowded too!!

"Whoa...how on earth are we gonna find Tae's phone in such a crowded place? This is INSANE!!", Yoongi shouted.

"Calm down, Yoongi!! We'll think of something", assured Jin.

So they looked around the beach. They looked around the area...the sand, the platforms, even the sea LOL!! They asked the people in the beach about Tae's phone, but no luck. Yoongi was becoming furious.

"This isn't getting us anywhere!! AHH!!", Yoongi shouted.

"Let's keep looking!!", Jin said.

"How about that area nearby the beach?", Yoongi asked.

"Yeah, ok!!", said Jin, and they both went looking to that place.

After a while, it became 12pm, and all the boys came back to the hotel. All of them were very disappointed. They looked LITERALLY everywhere, but no luck at all. They didn't know what to do now.

"No use at all...I'm never gonna find it", said Tae, sadly.

"Please don't say that. We'll look again after the event today, ok?", asked Jhope.

"Okay...", Tae said softly, and all the boys went to the dress up room to get ready for the event.

The event went on till 5pm. BTS came back tired, really tired. They had performed so much songs today. They really didn't have the energy to go and look for the phone. Everyone gathered in Tae's room again to discuss. Tae became really furious.

"This...is...not...fair!! Why did this happen to me? I need my phone back!!", he shouted and started to cry.

"Taehyung...don't cry, please. We can't see you like this!!", said Jungkook.

"If I find the person who took my phone...they're gonna get it from ME!!", Tae growled.

"Calm down, please!!", Namjoon shouted. Everyone became really silent, even Tae.

"Listen, everyone. We can figure this out. There are still many places in the city where we haven't looked yet. We'll look into them tomorrow, ok?", Namjoon said.

"Okay!!", agreed everyone else.

"Now first...we gotta catch our breath...huh...huh...so tired...", said Jimin.

"Me too!!", said Jin, and everyone just sat down and started to relax in Tae's room.

Meanwhile, you and your dog came all the way to the hotel...from home, and it was almost 6pm now. You had an idea you thought you could try, but it was a crazy one. Anyways, you weren't gonna leave it until you tried.

"You ready for this?", you asked him.

"Woof!!", he barked back.

You decided to climb on the pipes that were on the wall, to a room, where the window was giving out a bright light. You had a feeling BTS would be there, and so you decided to take the risk. You were a little scared at first.

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