You Are Loved

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1. The sound of a dogs paws running to you in a hardwood floor.

2. The smell before a thunderstorm.

3. Seeing your younger siblings grow into their own person.

4. The thrill of going on a roller coaster for the first time.

5. Getting a new tattoo.

6. Getting a new piercing.

7. Seeing the flowers grow.

8. The colors of the trees on a mountain side during fall.

9. Camping trips.

10. Hearing the sizzle of putting something hot in cool water.

11. Traveling the world.

12. Trying new and exotic food.

13. Seeing your favorite artist in concert.

14. Kissing someone you've always wanted to kiss.

15. Buying new clothes.

16. Watching the new season of your favorite show.

17. Watching the butterflies in summertime.

18. Getting a new pair of shoes.

19. Graduating highschool/college.

20. Hearing the ones you love tell you they love you.

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