
475 8 17

I'm gonna make this clear from the get go, i don't like this ship at all, and if you disagree with my opinions i will gladly ask why you disagree and please give points in favor of the ship. I already discussed this in my ship book on Gokuhxra_Gxnta so I'll keep this as brief as i can. So basically I feel that the ship is a "tad bit' toxic for my taste, and i never really liked protag x rival ships in general as some just feel like generic yaoi bait. This one in particular though goes against the type of character Shuichi is, even if Kokichi has legitimate feelings. Shuichi's whole arc is about finding the truth, even if it hurts him or others, which would not go well with Kokichi, who's character is pretty much a big old "boy who cried wolf" as we can't even know if his last conversation with Kaito was him being honest. The farthest i see this develop is perhaps close friends, much like how i feel with Temiko's logical development. Also like Temiko, even if Kokichi liked him it's clearly one sided, as seen by Shuichi's discomfort whenever talking to Kokichi. Overall it's a 1-2/10 for me in terms of it's romantic appeal, sorry

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