time to tell the truth

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Selene's P.O.V

Emmet returned after a few hours with bags full of clothes, underwear, toiletries and a bunch of toys. It was obvious that he had gone to town to buy everything he held now.

I was sitting with my back on the head board of the bed watching as Lowell slept. His eyelids fluttered as he dreamt and soft snores feel from his pink lips.

I gently brushed his sandy hair off his face. I rise from the bed and walk around to the side Lowell sleeps on. I gently pick him up and walk towards the door.

As I'm about to open the door, I'm stopped by am arm around my waist.

'Where are you going?' Emmet questions.

'To put Lowell in his bed. I'll be back in a minute' I say as if it were obvious.

Reluctantly, Emmet releases his hold on me and I open the door. I walk across the hall and place a sleeping Lowell in his bed. I pull the covers up and kiss his forehead before making my way out of the room and back across the hall.

When I enter mine and Emmet's room, I stay by the door, watching as Emmet clears space in his draws and cupboard for my clothes. I walk over and start to help him by gathering the underwear he brought me and placing it in the draw.

As I reach in for another handful I notice just how sexy all of this underwear is. In fact Emmet has just brought me a whole bunch of lingerie. I bit my lip to hold in the giggle that was trying to escape at the thought of Emmet, all buffed up and looking like a sex god, walking into an underwear store and buying bags of skimpy, lacy and very sexy underwear.

I was nearly finished emptying the bags of underwear after about thirty minutes. There was just a few things left in the bottom of the last bag. I reached into the bag and pulled out a very skimpy looking black silk nighty. I looked at it, horrified by the idea of ever wearing it. I folded it up and placed it in the draw, thanking the good lord that Emmet was at present across the hall putting the toys and clothes he had purchased for Lowell in to the draws and cupboards.

I reached into the bag and pulled out the second last item. This nighty was red, lacy and extremely see through. How ever it was longer then the black one, but it was still pretty skimpy. Folding it up and putting it away, I reach into the bag to retrieve the last item. I almost choked when I saw it. It was a baby blue baby doll nighty. It would barely cover my butt and would show excessive amounts of cleavage. I quickly folded it and placed it in the draw. If Emmet thinks I'll wear those little outfits, he was stupider then he looks.

I had just closed the draw when Emmet came in. I didn't look at him. I couldn't after looking at the lingerie he had just wasted his money on. I walked over to the cupboard and started to place shirts and pants on the shelves and hang dresses and jackets on the rack. Unfortunately I finish this task too fast and I have no choice but to turn and face my very confused mate.

'Do you like your clothes? I can get you different clothes if you would like' he asks a little worried.

'There fine. However you wasted you money on those three little night gowns' I state

'Don't you like them?' Emmet questioned innocently as a cocky smirk tugged at his lips.

'No it's not that, it's just, I um I-I-I'm not very confident. W-w-with my b-b-b-body after what

h-h-h-happened' I stutter. There's no point keeping the truth from him. Now that I think of it I should probably tell him what happened to me whilst I was being held prisoner by the hunters.

'If you don't mind me asking, what did happen to you while you were trapped there?' he asked, almost as if he had read my mind.

'Promise not to get too mad' I ask as I sit on the edge of our bed.

'I promise'

'And you'll listen to my whole story before you say anything?'


'And you won't judge me too harshly for what happened?'

'Selene I promise, just tell me' he said kneeling in front of me and looking up into my eyes. I couldn't help but think of how vulnerable he looked right now.

I rubbed my now sweaty hands up and down my thighs and took a deep breath in. I looked deep into Emmet's green eyes and let it out.

'It was two years ago now...'

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