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Serayah Pov

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Serayah Pov

A: mommy come on daddy gave us his black card to go shopping

S: for what *doing my make up*

A: the special dinner tonight

S: and what makes it so special

A: I dunno you'll have to find out but now we have to go cause I need enough time to get ready

S: and your only getting one outfit

A: come on now mommy we all know I can't go into a store and just get one outfit, even you can't! Plus daddy said get whatever you and I'm going too

S: when did you become so feisty

A: when you and daddy made me *walking away* and let's go mummy

S: ouu this child has the nerve

Ss: momma are you almost ready?

S: yea why?

Ss: because I'm ready to go shopping

S: you never are because of all the fans so why now?

Ss: because nobody really know who we are here and we can shop all day if we wanted

S: what so special about tonight

Ss: oh nothing *smiling hard and giggling*

S: come on you can tell mama anything

Ss: no sorry not this time

S: peanut *pouting*

Ss: momma you can't do that

S: tell and I'll give you a hundred dollars

Ss: mommy I ask daddy for that any day of the week now come on

S: fine since y'all don't wanna tell I'll keep my secrets too

Ss: but mommy you tell us everything

S: but peanut you don't tell me anything

Ss: because I promised not to

S: welp

Ss: you better not be a meanie after tonight

S: can't make any promises

Ss: oh I know you will

I checked everybody made sure they had there cloths on right before we left.

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