best friend's brother

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"tae!" namjoon yelled from outside the room. yoongi and taehyung were currently.. um.. kissing? they immediately pulled away and tae got off of yoongi's lap before the older saw the two.

namjoon barged in, "have you seen my phone?" taehyung shook his head. "i need to call jin quickly. also, hey yoongi hyung? what are you doing here?" namjoon finally notices the older who was taking off his hoodie since it got hot.

"um, tae and i had a project for a class so we decided to work on it." yoongi lied and tae looked at him and then to namjoon, "um, okay? well, tell me if find my phone, taetae." the older had finally left and once the door was fully closed the couple let out the breathe they were holding.

"jesus, this whole hiding our relationship thing is getting harder and harder." yoongi sighed and back hugged taehyung. "i know, hyung. but, we have to. we both know what they will do if they find out." taehyung turned around and buried his face in the older's chest.

"i know they could be a handful which makes it a hard relationship to be in. but, jungkook and namjoon won't care.. i hope." yoongi said playing with the boy's hair.

"i wish we didn't have to hide this from our best friends. i feel really bad for not telling jungkook i'm dating his brother.." tae said and pecked yoongi's cheek. "look, they will find out sooner or later and it's up to us on how." yoongi spoke and pecked the boy's lips.

"ugh, i hate this." taehyung said and put on yoongi's hoodie while floppinh on the bed. yoongi chuckled at the boy's cuteness and joined him. he locked the younger's bedroom beforehand just in case.

you might be thinking why the heck is this happening? well, let's start with the basics. jungkook is taehyung's best friend. jungkook's brother is yoongi making him date his best friend's brother. the same thing goes for yoongi who is dating his best friend namjoon's brother, taehyung.

the two boys don't really notice since jungkook and namjoon have been dating for a while and it's hard for them to even focus on anything but one another. hoseok and jin know about the cute couple's relationship but jin doesn't.

the reason they didn't tell them is that when they first started dating, they fucking hated each other. it wasn't a problem no. but, all of their friends knew it. they would always end up in a nonstop argument or get really annoyed with eachother. it was a surprise for both of them when they started to like each other in a romantic way.

their friends saw them getting close and everything but they thought they jusy came towards their differences and though of a solution. turns out that they entire time, they were just in denial and truly loved each other. 

it also is super awkward to date your best friend's brother and really nerve-racking. so, at firt, they avoided each other. but, like a magnet, they came back and couldn't stop from being with one another. jungkook and namjoon are very strict brothers and look out for their brothers with an innocent interest in mind.

but, enough of their love story..

taehyung was shifting in his sleep and yoongi even felt it. the boy was having a nightmare. one that was about namjoon yelling at him for being a liar just like their dad. the dad who left them when he said he would come back in three minutes. it ended up being three years. their mother died before that accident occurrd so namjoon was very protective of tae. jungkook, even if he was the youngest, loved yoongi back and forth and is very protective of him as well.

"angel, you okay?" yoongi whispered. taehyung, even if he had been dating yoongi for two months now, loved that nickname. it came from when the two were in an argument about whether they should tell the others about them. yoongi sarcastically called him this pet name and taehyung immediately loved it. it was sweet and cute so yoongi kept it.

"j-just a bad dream, hyungie." tae whispered back and buried himself deeper in yoongi's neck who brought him closer.

** **

"OPEN THIS FUCKING DOOR RIGHT NOW, KIM TAEHYUNG!" namjoon yelled through the door. taehyung immediately got up and hid yoongi in the closet. he opened the door and saw a fuming namjoon. "Some asshole came to me and saw my phone. he said it was voice recording the entire time from when i did my project last. i gave it to you through the door cause it was locked." namjoon explained.

"APPARENTLY, WHOEVER IS CALLING YOU ANGEL SHOULD GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE AND LEAVE YOU THE FUCK ALONE!" namjoon yelled. tae was afraid of this but still tried to calm the older down, "i don't know what your talking about!"

namjoon rolled his eyes, "yoongi hyung, get out of the closet!" taehyung avoided his brother's gaze and yoongi walked out of the closet scratching the back of his neck. "so, when were you planning on telling me the two of you were dating?"

"we were gonna.. we just never got the time and you both are really protective, hyung." taehyung mentioned and namjoon sighed, "jungkook, come in."

as much to taehyung's dismay, jungkook walked in and crossed his arms. "Our best friends dating our brothers. great." jungkook sarcastically rolled his eyes.

"please, don't be mad." taehyung squeezed his eyes shut and sniffled. yoongi, being the great boyfriend he is, went over to him and back hugged the boy. he kissed his neck for comfort and snuggled into the boy's sweater or well.. yoongi's sweater.

"jesus, you fucked my brother didn't you?" namjoon spoke and tae choked on aid. yoongi glared and namjoon just laughed. jungkook laughed as well and smirked at tae, "how's my hyung in bed?"

"shut up!" taheyung yelled at the idiotic couple. "so, you aren't mad?"

"well, i wish you would've told us before the two months you were dating." namjoon started holding the hand of jungkook who smiled and blushed, " but we would've liked that a lot." jungkook agreed.

"thank you!" tae smiled and hugged the two. "protect my brother, yoongi hyung. don't fucking think of hurting him by the way." namjoon smiled. jungkook laughed, "thank god it was tae. I thought it was someone else snd I would about to throw hands."

taehyung laughed and yoongi kissed his temple.


"I never no shit." jim cursed once he saw the taegi couple holding hands. the rest of the group laughed.


Is this a short oneshot or long one?

cuz honestly idfk anymore..

it's kinda like the other one except more into the storyline about them dating their best friend's brother.

which, btw, leads me to.. don't like someone you can't have because honey it will never be worth it.

especially if you wanna loose three friends in the process.

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