Wake Me Up

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I smiled as I drifted off, I could Remember every last word. 

During the night I awoke as Ed shifted around. I opened my eyes, letting them adjust to the dim room. I turned to face him, admiring his features, which looked exhausted.

"Sorry dear, I can't sleep" Ed mumbled, my heart fluttering at his words. I ran a hand through my blonde hair, flicking it off my shoulders.

"I can see that!" I leaned forward pecking his lips with love. "Just close your eyes and sleep! Count sheep. One sheep, Two sheep, three sheep, four, count and count till' there ain't no more!"  

Ed shook his at my silliness, a grin on his lips.

"You're so cute" Ed smiled, his eyelids dropping but snapping back open. "I was thinking about getting you name tattooed on my arm" He quietly said with a tired voice trailing off.

"Go to bed! You're so tired that you're talking utter rubbish!" I stated, a bit concerned.

"I will as soon as you do"

"Then I'm not going asleep!" I held my breath, puffing out my cheeks, much like a child.

"Don't be so stubborn! Go to bed Marilyn" Caving in, I placed a kiss on the stitched up gash upon Eds forehead.

"Goodnight" I sighed, Turing over, carefully not to hurt and bruised body.


"One sheep, two sheep, three sheep, four" Ed sang, quietly enough that it was barley audible.

Three days since then, three days since that night. I barley remember it, my vision so blurred from the tears.

I woke up, planning on surprising Ed with bed in breakfast. I slipped away from his grasp slowly, trying with all effort not to wake him. The black curtain that block the blazing sunlight was making the room gray. I glanced at Eds stiches, scrunching my face into regret. Going back to my old home was a mistake, something that I'd never forget. I kissed Eds forehead, letting my lips linger there just a bit longer than they should. I walked sorely into our kitchen, planning to Suprise Ed with a stack of waffles covered in whipped cream and syrup with a side a cheesy scrambled eggs and sausage links. It was a bubbly morning. Filled with happy rays of sunshine filling the bright kitchen. As I cooked I hummed a peppy tune, half heartily dancing around the kitchen. My body was sore, no doubt, but I was drugged on pain medication. I skipped over to the radio playing full blast. I sung along to 'Everybody talks' by Neon Trees whilst making the last of Eds surprise breakfeast. After setting the finished food into a tray I carefully walked over into our room, wearing a goofy smile.

"Ed!" I sang cheerfully to him. "Ed, babe, wake up!" I called to him. I furrowed my brows and observed his pale face. I took one hand and traced it over his cheek, his ginger stubble prickling me. "Honey?" I whispered. I smacked his face lightly, worried. "Get up!" I yelled. I pushed his side, when I got no responce I continued. "Ed this isn't funny wake up..." I whimpered. I bit down hard on the Inside of my cheek, I began to shake so hard the tray I held in my hands was trembling violently. "You're not faking it are you?" I gasped, dropping the tray dramatically. The glass syrup bottle smashed, everything that once lay upon it was now scattered messily amungst the floor. I straddled him, with fear filled tears streaming down my face. I took his shoulders into my hands and began to shake him. 

"Ed!" I screamed. "Wake up! Please! Edward Christopher Sheeran wake your ass up now!" I began to pound on his chest, hyperventilating. "Please...Please?" I whispered out, a river of tears falling onto his beautiful bare chest. "Ed?"

The light mint green room was dull, the light flickering over his bed was making me go mad. I sat in the uncomfortable chair by his side, staring at his vegetable state body. Ed lay on the hospital bed, looking pale and lifeless.  

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