Still Waters Run Deep

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A/N: Please, please, please try and read my one-shot 'Blood Bonds' before you read this chapter, or if you want to, then read it after, but a major event in this chapter will make MUCH more sense if you happen to read that first. As always, read away, and let me know what you think.

End of November

"So is Kaia still grounded?" asked Paul with a grin, as he helped Rachel unload the groceries from her truck. "Yeah… although I feel really weird grounding her," replied Rachel helplessly. "I mean, technically, I am just her guardian, but I'm the same age as her older brother. But after Carl and Hannah grounded Collin and Brady, I couldn't really leave her out. They DID get suspended from school after all. But I hate grounding her for doing something I would have done in her place. Arrghghghghhg… this is so frustrating," she continued.

Paul wrapped his large arms around her and soothed, "Babe, Collin's ex was WAY out of line with the stuff she was saying. She deserved a good punch in the face. I'm just glad Kaia gave it to her, not like any of us could do it."

Rachel plopped herself on the sofa and glared at Paul, before sighing, "Paul, a girl mouthed off to her and the twins, she left their table, walked over and punched her without saying a word. And this was HER side of the story. I don't even want to hear what that utter cow had to say. Remind me again why Collin dated her?"

Paul laughed and sat down next to her. "You realize that the way she stood up for him means any one of the pack would kill for her right. Well... not that we wouldn't have before, but now its more like, we would help her hide the body if she did it… that kind of thing."

"Paul… I just hope she isn't too mad at me… I mean, even though I grounded her, I know Jake has been sneaking in Guitar Hero, but I couldn't even bring myself to say anything. I feel so lousy… maybe a week's grounding is enough right? … But the twins got grounded for 2 months, and they were just bystanders… God this guardian crap sucks." She grumbled, cuddling into his side.

"You know what?" Paul spoke. "Lets just ignore the fact that she is supposed to be grounded. There's a bonfire tomorrow and you can just tell her about it like everything's fine. Don't even bring up grounding, ok? We can all go to the bonfire, chill out and just have a good time. Kaia has been missing Michelle even more since her birthday, and Ryan is about ready to be shipped off to the nuthouse, because of the same thing. We ALL need a break, his head isn't the pleasantest place to be right now."

He frowned, in worry for his brother's health. Miserable without his imprint, Ryan looked terrible, and the only times they saw him any different, was after he snuck out to Seattle and back. Michelle on the other hand, was beginning to show signs of proving Emily's theory that the imprints felt the pull as well. She had been getting sick lately, and just feeling terrible in general. Her parents were worried and a doctor's visit had proved there was nothing physically wrong with her.

Kaia had made sure she and Ryan had exchanged numbers, and texting had turned into IM and Emails now. Ironically, even though that helped a little, even she felt better every time Ryan was in Seattle and camped out, invisible, under her bedroom window.

The next night at the bonfire, even Leah had to smile to see how comfortable Kaia was, cuddled up next to Seth and sharing a blanket. He was extremely solicitous, offering her something warm to drink every little while, since she had seemed like she was coming down with a cold earlier. Listening to the legends as Billy told them, left her spellbound.

She leaned against Seth, sitting between his legs, her back against his chest, and was awestruck at the history of the tribe. When Billy related the story of Taha Aki and the spirit wolves, the shape-shifters that protected the tribe, Seth felt her start before she darted a nervous look at him through narrowed eyes. He raised an eyebrow at her, but she just shook her head. Still, he didn't miss her looking around at the others speculatively.

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