Surprises, Secrets & Soulmates

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Sunday. The day of rest. The day of… oh who knew what else it was the day of. It was a day I expected to be able to sleep at least a little longer to indulge in the dream I had been having, of eyes so dark, they reminded me of onyx. And yet, eyes that seemed so gentle, I doubted their owner would have raised his voice at a stone wall.

But noooo. trying to make the most of our last night together, I had agreed to share a room with Michelle. Her parents had offered to get us two, but we wanted to share. Our last time together for who knew how long. I had only met the woman I was going to stay with, a couple of times. I knew her name. Rachel Black. I knew she lived on a Reservation. It was called La Push and the closest thing to a town nearby was Forks. The name alone told me I would not be visiting there too often.

"Hey Kiki?" I heard a tentative call from the doorway, as I grumbled my way from under the covers. "Oh Michelin…" I trailed off, tears springing to my eyes at the sight of my best friend, my sister, standing in the doorway. She had a tray in her hands and was trying to get through the door as well. I remember Breakfast in Bed being her cure for any ailment related to the heart. At that thought, I couldn't help laughing at the irony of what was on the plate. Everything greasy that she could have found on the menu, was on that tray. "The really cute waiter helped me carry everything up here, and then left when I told him I wanted to bring it in to you personally" she mumbled while looking at the bedspread.

Once the tray was firmly on the stand and out of our way, I launched myself at her and hugged her so tight I was sure she couldn't breathe. I couldn't tell really, because I was equally sure that she had cut off my oxygen supply as well. "Oh God Michelin, how am I going to stand living somewhere I won't get to hear your voice every morning, trying to convert me into one of you morning people," I asked her, trying to keep the sobs out of my voice. "You are going to miss me like a crazy person and demand to move into my bedroom the second you turn 18" she sniffed back.

Just then, we both turned at the knock on the door, to see her mum peeking at us, with clearly red-rimmed eyes. Mr. and Mrs. Morgan had been brilliant to live with. He was an online whiz and had made his money at the beginning of the Silicon Valley boom; he owned his own online protection company and spent his millions spoiling his wife and only daughter rotten. While most people made money to buy 'stuff' they could show off, the Morgans did the opposite. They lived in an average house, with maybe slightly more hi-tech gadgets, they had average cars, with the only exception being that their anti-theft systems were the best on the market, and Michelle had gotten a job after school to help pay for her own car.

Their only indulgence was the lavish holidays they took. They always made sure to take me along though. It was like they knew how much I wanted to belong somewhere, and after the death of my parents, Jason was all I had. We had lived with an uncle and aunt until he went away to college, and seeing how miserable I was, had prompted Michelle's parents to ask my relatives if I could live with them. They pleaded that Michelle was lonely, and this would work out well for us. My relatives had barely noticed when I moved out. They were both upset that the courts had said I had to follow the dictat my brother had left.

"You girls ready to leave?" Even I could hear the tremor in her voice. I loved them all, especially the way she treated me and Michelle, like we were both her daughters and not just the red-head. "Yeah I guess so" I choked out, before flinging myself at her and hugging her much the same way I had hugged her daughter. I felt big burly arms come around the both of us from behind and I knew Mr. Morgan was in on the hugging scenario as well. "You listen to me now, munster " he called both Michelle and me that "If, at any time, you decide you want to come home, you call us, any one of us, and we will be there to get you immediately, you hear me?"

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