Close call

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"Omg w-what have I done?!" I stood over Yakko's unconscious body. I couldn't believe my eyes. Wakko and Dot were just as afraid as me.

"Is he..." Dot mumbles.

"N-No...he can't be.." Said Wakko.

"He's not what you think!" I quickly exclaimed.

"How could you?!" Dot was very upset.

"Dot it was accident I swear." I replied "I though you guys were intruders so..."

"It's ok Y/N we understand." Said Wakko. "Don't we, Dot?"

"Hmph!" She pouted as she gives me a glare and turns her back on me.

"H'ell be ok...right Wakko?" I asked pacing back and forth.

"Don't worry I'm sure he's just gonna be out for a minute or two."

Placing my hand over his chest, I searched for a heartbeat. "Cmon...cmon...."

And there it was (thump...thump...thump)


Dot peers over for a second but quickly turns back on me again.

"See, I told you everything's gonna be fine." Wakko smiled.

"How do we wake him up tho?" I asked.

"I may have a few possibilities..." Wakko replies.

"How's about a kiss?" Yakko goes from lifeless, to completely energize and delivers a quick kiss on the lips.

I pretended that didn't happen and said, "Omg your ok. Words can't even describe how sorry-"

"It's ok, Y/N. I know you didn't mean any harm."

"Oh thank you, thank you, thank you!" I squeeze him into a hug like he was a big, fuzzy, teddy bear.

"Uhhhh...Y/N...can't...breath.." He attempts to escape my grasp.

"Oh sorry, sorry.." I instantly let go.

"Soo, may I ask why you hit me with a baseball bat?" He chuckled.

"Hmph she though we were 'intruders' apparently." Says Dot.

"But we know that it was all just a big misunderstanding don't we, Dot?" Wakko glared at her.

"To be fair we did kinda.....trash the place just a little bit..." Yakko Says in a guilty manner.

"It's ok I kinda expected this from you three anyway." I giggled.

"I uhhhh can make things better by helping clean up." Said Yakko.

"I'll help out, too!" Exclaimed Wakko.

Dot stood in the corner not saying a word.

"Dot..." Yakko goes towards her. "Aren't you gonna help out, too?"

"No!" She firmly said.

"Dot it was a true accident." I cried. "I would never want to hurt your brothers or you personally."

"You gotta believe her Dot." Said Wakko.

She still didn't move.

"You're awfully cute when you're angry." Yakko Said.

Dot quietly get up, grabs a broom, and starts sweeping. " anybody gonna help?"

And to cleaning we went.


"Well that was...kinda fun actually." Yakko smiles.

"I know right?!" I exclaimed. "Who knew chores could be fun?!"

"We can make anything fun, Y/N."

"Can you make being grounded fun?"

"Uhhhhh depends...."

"Grrrrrr Can we go home now?!" Dot exclaims.

"Jeez who burned her toast?"

"Actually Yakko did burn her toast but I ate it." Said Wakko.

"Well if you wanna go back to the tower go ahead." Yakko replied. "But I'm staying with Y/N." He squeezes me into a hug.

"So fluffy..." I mumble.

"What was that doll-face?" He tilts my head so our eyes can meet. "You want another kiss?"

"I-uhhhhh...what no-wait what?"

"I'M HUNGRY!" Wakko yells.

"Right...gotta make dinner. Guess I gotta go now." Yakko frowns.

"It's ok I had fun cleaning anyway."

"Here's my number if you...wanna talk." He hands me the folded piece of paper.

(Door click sound)

"Oh shoot! You guys gotta get outta here."

"Sibs, to the chimney!" Three of them shot up the chimney.

"Goodnight, Y/N." Yakko blows a kiss to me.

"Goodnight, Yakko." I giggle.


Another bad chapter for another bad story. Srry this took a while. Also thx for 100 reads u guys rock ❤️ Ok luv ya bye bye

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