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Y/N is undeniably one of the worst person I've ever met. She whacked my brother with a bat and then she acts all innocent saying it was an accident. I hate her!

"Isn't Y/N wonderful...?" Yakko sighed.

"Yeah she's fun." Wakko added.

I growled at the comments that my brothers made about her. Especially Yakko. He went on and on about her looks and her personality. It made me sick.

(At the water tower)

Yakko POV

"Ya know what, I think I,ll sneak by her window late at night when the majority of Burbank is asleep."

"Oh can I come?!" Wakko asked.

"Sorry Wak. You have to stay here." I patted his head.

"Awww why not?!"

"You can't come b-because when two people are alone...there's a chance that they might...y-you know..."

Wakko seemed confused. "I don't understand, Yakko."

"Y-You just can't come."

"Please?" He gives me little puppy dog eyes.

"Uhhhhhh Fine."

"Hey Dot are you coming to see Y/N again with us?" Wakko asked.

"You mean the girl who attempted murder? No way!" She snapped.

" know it was an accident!" I snapped back.

In a matter of seconds, Dot and I started to go back and forth about the silly accident for God knows how long.

Wakko POV

I hate when my siblings fight. I knew this wasn't gonna end well. Because of this I chose to go and see Y/N myself, leaving Yakko and Dot to work things out.


I made it to her house. To be honest it looked creepy at night. Despite that, I had to be brave and do this for my brother's sake.

Even though it didn't work last time, I tried the upstairs window. Just my luck, it was open. I quietly crawled in and gently tapped Y/N to wake her.


I wrote this little extra part because if I didn't write it sooner, it wouldn't exist. YOU'RE WELCOME Ok bye see ya in the next chapter.

Yakko X Reader                                                 My Little Secret Where stories live. Discover now