Tender Mending

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Taylor stepped outside in the cool morning air, feeling the wind whisper across her back almost as if mocking her in a way. It was teasing her with cold and warmth back and forth. Each gust told her to step forward and into the building, and another told her to stay back, take her time to walk inside instead. She stared up at the studio door entrance, knowing security cams were watching her hesitate.

"Hey, you're early kid! The parade isn't ready yet!" Natasha teased as she opened the studio door with a pack of cigarettes and her lighter in hand.

"Hey," Taylor replied to her, still stuck in place. She watched the door swing shut behind the wild haired blonde, her eyes following as she lit up.

"Set won't bite. Everyone's waiting for you. Can't let them all down now Tay." Natasha said between drags. She leaned against the wall beside the door, a brow cocked at the younger woman. Taylor looked away, biting her tongue from petulantly responding. She was worried she wouldn't be enough for them, matching their expectations. Her fatigue from the accident was still lingering, her ribs were healing. She was in late stage recovery not recovered.

Natasha put out her cigarette butt on the concrete, grabbing Taylor's arm after. She walked her to the door. "I know you're scared but you're like the kid coming back from vacation. Try not to be too weird."

Taylor scoffed at the comment, "By the time vacation weeks came up in school I was already enrolled somewhere else. Perk of being bullied and having divorced parents." She retorted to Natasha but walked closer to the door. Natasha nodded, understanding Taylor's feelings about the matter.

The matter itself was a mixture of things, the perfect storm. She was anxious about being back but also scared to run into Laura. That night Laura had met Carrie on her way back from gaining advice from Natasha, she decided to continue home and not visit Taylor like she desperately wanted to.

She finally pulled open the door, taking a huge breath as she walked inside the building. Taylor made her way towards her dressing room to put her bag away when she caught a glance of long black hair across the hallway. She paused, turning to open her door but it was too late the other woman had noticed her.

"I'm surprised to see you back here so early. Didn't expect you until later." Laura said gently, her hand on Taylor's shoulder. The blonde turned around, giving a shrug.

"I wanted to get it over with." She replied, trying not to look into Laura's eyes. Things still were tense between the two but they didn't know what to say. Laura let go of her shoulder, realizing that Taylor was in no mood to talk to her.

"Okay. Well, your script is in the producer's office for pick up. Let me know how you're feeling," She offered kindly, but Taylor cut her off.

"You don't need to babysit me. I can tell the nurse if I hurt on my own will." Taylor replied curtly, going into her dressing room and closing the door. She sighed, realizing that today was far too much already for her. It was draining to think about how Laura wanted to dote on her. Any other time Taylor would have surely enjoyed it but if she had to be honest with herself, she felt as if she did not deserve to be cared for. The self doubt came with the 'Carrie Issue', and Taylor felt as if things would never mend between it all.

The day continued in a fog for Taylor. She picked up her script and began rehearsals for her scenes to get into the swing of things. Today was a non shoot day where scenery was prepped and sets were touched up. That left the actresses to rehearse their work without cameras in their faces, and then with a director present per the end on the day. Jenji and the director had agreed that Taylor needed to take it slow, so they were going to ease her back into working. She never hurt throughout the day just her fatigue crept in, she was restless and unused to being on her feet for so long.

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