Chapter Nineteen

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(A/N): the POV has changed to third person.

Chapter Nineteen

It's been four months since Stacey had disappeared with the devil into that night club. Georg originally wanted to run in after her but thought it was useless and dangerous at that, running into a place he didn't know anything about. So he ran. He turned and ran away from the problem. He tried to outrun the pain of Stacey leaving him for another man without showing a hint of remorse. He had opened himself to her and he thought she gave that same openness to him. But after that scene he knew it was all a lie.

They had cancelled the rest of the tour saying there was a death in Georg's family leaving him to riddled with greif to play. Which wasn't a total lie. The loss of one of the only females he could honestly say was his reason for breathing was like a loved one dying and it tore him to shreds.

Georg worked hard to forget about the brown hairs girl but it was all in spite of himself. The more he tried to push her out of his head the more frequently he thought of her. After a week of being in denial he stepped out to search for her. When the others found him missing they went out looking for him. After thirty minutes of cat and mouse they all met up and started searching together, keeping hope alive that Stacey might have come to her senses and was frantically trying to find her way home. They did this every night for a week before they called it quits despite Georg's emotional protests.

Luise always insisted that they be careful and spoke in a lot of riddles, hinting that if they did find Stacey she wouldn't be the same girl anymore and they should approach her with caution. The others let it go over their heads and searched tirelessly until they found it pointless.

To settle Georg's aching heart, Bill, Tom, and Gustav sponsored an ongoing search with a few local policemen in London that they checked on weekly for any signs of getting closer to finding her which were always a negative.

The hype about infected Americans being in Europe had long since died down and the girls were able to come and go as they pleased. Since they didn't know the language yet they stuck to public places that didn't call for much interaction. They learned a few sentences and phrases here and there so they didn't get lost or anything but nothing above basic conversational skills that a pre-schooler might know.

Stacey's mother called frantically looking for her daughter. Stacey was sure to leave both her phones behind, cutting off any possible way of searching for her. Her mother often called crying before someone even picked up. Most of the time Georg was the one that answered. He would lock himself in his room and talk with the woman he had often at times fantasized about calling his mother in law, consoling her while he tried to keep himself from breaking down as he did in the privacy in his room at night more times than he was proud to mention.

Georg milled about the house with a face of stone giving people one to three word answers after three months without his girlfriend by his side. Bill and Luise tried their hardest to get him out of the funk but nothing worked. It want until they had moved Abby from her room to his that he started cracking a smile every once in a while. Bill would come in at times to check on Abby and find the two off them snuggled together, Abby's small formed enveloped into Georg's broad chest and him pressing her teddy bear into her chest.

Abby was his only link to Stacey, the last bit of her he could hold and he refused to let her go. Whenever something went wrong like her tossing and turning or a change in her breathing he bounded up the stairs to get Bill wherever he might be in a full on panic.

Abby still hadn't women up from her perplexing sleeping state but she showed signs of cognitivity, for instance, if someone played with her palm her fingers would instinctively wrap around their hand. Many days Georg would lay down, propped up on his elbow and flick her lip like Stacey did just to relive the times they spent in his room chattering by Abby's side, occasionally throwing a rhetorically question her way.

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