Chapter Four

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Chapter Four

I always thought that when you died you felt like you were taken from Earth in an instant. I thought that you were instantly put in line for the place you were assigned to spend eternity in. But this wasn't what I had imagined. I felt cold and wet. Beat up. Tired. Is that the feeling that you get? Was it just life coming back at me? Making me feel all those times I felt worn out to show I had succumb to death? Those times I walked home in the pouring rain after a hard day. Those times I had accidentally locked myself out of the house in the winter when no one was home. Those times I had gotten into fights I didn't even want to start. Those times I hurt myself in a room full of objects just because my depth perception is off. Those times I was exhausted from lack of sleep.

It all sat on me, stifling me, trapping me under the pressure. I wanted to cry. I felt the lump build in my throat and the tears slip down my face. Was I supposed to be so cognitive of my body? Is this normal?

I wonder where I was placed. I wasn't all that of a saint when I was alive but I wasn't crooked either. But if I was in heaven why was I so cold? Why did I feel so much pressure? So much pain? And Hell wouldn't be satisfied with just making me shed a few tears right? Maybe I was in limbo. Maybe God doesn't know what to do with me and I was too good for the Devil Himself so I was left here to rot, trapped in my own cruel consciousness for eternity.

Then I felt it. The burning across my shoulder again. I wanted to wail. I wanted to kick and punch and scream. It hurt so bad. Words couldn't describe the pain I felt. Maybe I was in hell. One created especially for me. One where my thoughts kept me from true peace but every once in a while I would feel the fires of hell lick at my skin. I was shaking uncontrollably but I couldn't tell any of my muscles to move how I wanted them to. The burning finally stopped as I felt a goop spread across the gash. I felt a sting like earlier before my lights blacked out and my body stopped shaking. I felt myself relax. My breathing slowed down. What was this? Where was I? I was numb and it scared me. Even if I was wet and cold I still had some sense of being. Why couldn't I see? Wake up! Wake UP!

My eyes shot open only to clench closed. It was bright. Very bright. I eased my eyes open and blinked a few times trying to focus. I was met by a figure sitting in a chair close to me. I still couldn't see well from all the light but I panicked. I still couldn't move. "Help!" I tried to scream but it come out as a strangled whine. I kept making the noise over and over again hoping someone I knew would show up to help me.

The figure jumped at the sudden noise. "She's awake!" A deep voice shouted. The figure jumped out of its seat. I could hear quick foot steps heading away from me, followed by a door opening and some muffled conversation. I heard footsteps approaching, lots of them. I was struggling to breathe. Where was I?

A face met mine. I squinted and could make out light hazel hair and dark brown eyes. "Stacey? Stacey can you hear me?" Taylor? I started whining again. "It's okay. I'm right here, shhhh." She ran her hand over my hair.

"She can't really feel you, but she can hear and see you." A deep voice chimmed in.

Taylor nodded and leaned forward. I whimpered and willed myself to move. To at least hold her hand so she would stay. I was scared, who were the other people in the room? Taylor sat back and mumbled something I couldn't hear. She sighed as she stood and turned to walk away. I panicked and started whining loudly. She came back and knelt down in front of me. "Stacey, calm down I'll be right back."

I shook my head. The numb feeling was quickly fading away. I tried to move my hands but my wrists were bound to the surface. I groaned in frustration. "Mmmm! N-no!" I yelled as I tried to grab her hand. "Don't leave me!" My voice was muffled. I noticed a breathing mask on my face. I wailed. "Get this off my face!" I started shaking my head hoping it would fling off.

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