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Wrestlemania Day
8:30 p.m.

"Becky if you don't open this damn door." A very tired Seth swung the door open allowing Charlotte entrance. "Congrats on the win." He nodded at her before moving to wake the redhead up. "Bex!" The blonde yelled instantly jolting Becky awake.

"I was trying to do it nicely.." Seth grumbled as he sat down next to the redhead.

"Yeah but that takes hours and I only have a few minutes." Charlotte said before Becky's eyes met hers. As the blonde started to talk the redhead slowly curled into Seth. "With the match.."

"Wait." Becky stopped her before she gave him a look. He groaned before standing and moving into the hall. Once the door closed Charlotte began to laugh.

"What's that about?" She asked as she moved to sit next to her best friend.

"I leave him surprised it makes it more fun." Becky started to lean again Charlotte. "Okay so what's going on?"

Nearly ten minutes later Charlotte walked out with a smile on her face. Before going back to her dressing room she stopped Seth. Her fingers were grabbing at his shirt as she pressed him up against the wall.

"If you fuck around and cheat on her you better be ready to hide. If you hurt her I will kill you. You know my feelings about you, which means you also know there will be nothing that stops me from killing you and hiding your body." Her glare was harsher than her words. Other passing in the hallway watched for mere seconds but said nothing knowing that Charlotte was never one to mess with. Her knuckles were digging into his chest as she got closer and her tone became even more threatening.

"She has told me everything up until the day she started dating you which pisses me the fuck off. But know the second you do something wrong I will be the first to know and the first to react. You don't want me on your bad side Colby especially when it comes to her." With that Charlotte's fist unballed before she patted his chest. "Just remember you fuck with her, you fuck with me and many others in this locker room. You don't want that." She was gone in seconds.

Seth stood there for a few seconds as he rubbed what would soon be a large bruise on his chest. When he turned the door slowly opened before Becky's eyes met his.

"What did she do?" Even though she truly didn't have time she pulled him back into her locker room.

"N-Nothing." He knew she could tell he was lying. "I just got warned." The redhead shook her head before her arms wrapped around him. "I'm fine. I just never knew she was that..." He couldn't find the word.

"Threatening... Evil... Angry?" He nodded.

"Scary?" She laughed lightly before his lips met the top of her head. She pulled away slightly before he knew why. "Go to hair and makeup. I'm going to shower. I'll meet you over there." Her lips met his before she stopped him.

"Can I borrow a hoodie?" He started to laugh.

"You don't have to ask Bex." He slowly moved from her grasp before opening his bag and grabbing a hoodie for her.

"Have to advertise?" She said when she noticed scrawled across the front was his logo and name.

"Have to advertise?" She said when she noticed scrawled across the front was his logo and name

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