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4:50 a.m.

Becky felt a body slip into bed next to her. Her body immediately tensed before she heard his soft words.

"Its me Love." Gently Seth's hand slipped to her large baby bump. Slowly her head tucked into his neck before she felt his lips along her cheek. "I missed you Bex."

"Missed you more Colby. They did too." He had been on the road for nearly three weeks.

"I'm sorry Bex." He said softly before she shook her head.

"Don't worry about it, I had Char." He sighed softly as his nose nuzzled into her hair. One of the main reasons why they had increased his workload was due to Charlotte being injured. Management had figured it was the perfect time to get him back at house shows and doing special appearances as there would be somebody there to stay with Becky.

"Doesn't make me feel any less guilty." The redhead shook her head.

"You shouldn't be guilty Colby." She said softly. "She helped me out and it was kinda nice to just have some girl time with her." He nodded.

"There's something I need to tell you." She pulled away from him slightly before her eyes met his signaling for him to continue. "I fucked up my knee tonight and have to go see a specialist at two."

"I fucking knew you were limping you a..." She stopped immediately knowing what the consequence of her next word. "Why didn't you stop? Your match was fucking thirty minutes!" She was whisper screaming as she knew Charlotte was across the hall.

"I didn't feel it until I got out of the ring and my knee gave out." He said quietly and hesitantly.

"Why didn't you go to the hospital?" As she felt his hand move along her stomach she immediately knew why.

"I needed to get back to you. I can always go to the hospital in the morning if I need to." She shook her head as she eyed him. "I got a steroid shot before I drove home. I'll be fine until later Bex." He tried to reason with her. "And like I said I have an appointment with a specialist later today."

"You better not be lying Colby." He shook his head.

"I'm not. I don't want to have fucking knee surgery again. They did an X-ray and nothing is broken. But its just is giving out on me." She nodded as her eyes met his.

"Which knee is it?" She asked quietly.

"My right knee." She almost immediately hit him.

"Why the fuck were you driving?!" He chuckled softly.

"I used cruise control for most of it and braked with my left foot. I was fine Love." She shook her head.

"You're lucky you didn't die you idiot." A kick landed along Seth's hand.

"You gotta stop calling me mean names she really doesn't like it." Becky chuckled quietly.

"No that was our son agreeing with me." He raised an eyebrow at her.

"How do you know it's him?" He challenged her.

"Because this.." She grabbed his wrist gently and moved his hand to along the lower left portion of her stomach. "Is our daughters head." He could feel a slight bulge in the redheads stomach. "They don't move sides they kinda can't. Hence why I know who's who." He nodded before his lips connected with hers. "Also the lass kicks me all the fucking time where as he usually opts to press against somebody's hand. His hands and feet are usually along my skin where as her head is usually what I feel." His eyes were trained to her stomach as she spoke.

Becky felt Seth's gently touch slowly move along where their daughters head was. When he felt movement along the other side of her stomach his other hand moved to where their sons hand was pressing.

"We need to start thinking of names." He almost instantly nodded. "Have you thought of any?" He shook his head.

"Have you?" She shook her head before a yawn slipped from her mouth. "We can start thinking in the morning Love. You need to go back to sleep." She nodded before she turned onto her back. "More comfortable like that?" She shook her head before she grabbed a bottle of water from the nightstand. As she started to drink from it she felt his hands gently cup her stomach. Carefully his body shifted before she felt his lips press along her stomach.

"Love you Buddy." He said softly before he felt a hand barely press against his lips. Another kiss was placed in the same spot before he moved slightly. "Love you lil' Bex." Becky could feel the infant move at her fathers words. As his lips pressed to her stomach, their daughters head pressed strongly against his lips.

"God is she going to be a daddy's girl." He chuckled softly as a smile grew on his face.

"She may be. But he is always going to be a mamas boy." The redhead chuckled at his words.

"He better be.." She warned her unborn son. Seth lightly laughed at her words before he moved up her body and connected their lips. Gently he took her hand before setting it where the infants hand had been. A smile just about lit up Becky's face as she felt the baby press against her hand.

"Do I have to say it again?" He said jokingly before she shook her head.

"Nope." She stated with a laugh before he sunk down next to her in bed. Slowly she turned to her side before her body curled as best as it could into him. "I love you." She said quietly as her head tucked into his neck. His arms wrapped around her carefully. As she moved closer to her and his stomach pressed to hers, he felt the two unborn babies shift around in her stomach until they were comfortable.

"Love you more Bex."

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