:: HIM.

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He's hair, skin, body... Everything is so magnificent. Everybody knows him, he's the most popular guy in town. Everyone tried to get with him, but he didn't return any of their calls. But mine, we called everynight. I fell in love with his voice, giggle, laugh... The way he fell asleep when we were calling. His soft snores, I never hung up. I would walk by his house everyday, just to see if we could lock eyes for just a few seconds. Today was such a day, but today was different. I had walked past, but this time he was standing outside. He invited me inside, I was prepared for this day. We hung out, cooked food and watched a movie. We even kissed, he said the most romantic thing. "I want to be the last person you see." Some may be creeped out, but it was just my style. As it became night I couldn't take my eyes of him. He asked me if I wanted to stay the night, I accepted his offer. Nothing special happened, until in the night. We slept in the same room, in the same bed. Suddenly I felt someone pick on my skin, I gasped at who's face I saw. He peeled the skin of my face, he was right. The last person I saw was HIM.

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