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Third 's pov~~~

     It has been a few month since they start searching the cure for Tsuna.They went around the world to find but they still cannot find the cure,not even a small clue about Tsuna illness.It remain a misterious and unknown to them.Now ,it was a new year,Tsuna and Katsuna turn 12 years old while Ietsu turn 15 years old.

      Not knowing where else to go,Iemitsu makes a hard decision.He choose to bring his family to Italy ,where he works, where the place can becomes the safest place or the most dangerous place for them.Because they are Vongola.The blood runs down their veins.Upon arriving at Italy,
They are shocking to see those who welcome them.There are three person and they are wearing a suit and stand as they are welcoming a boss or someone important.What is more shocking,is that Iemitsu is talking with them in their native language,Italy language.Iemitsu ensure his family that they are not a bad people.And told them that they are his subordinates.His family were suspicious but regardless believe him and follow him as he lead them to the limousine."We will stay at my boss mansion for today,all of you must be tired ,right?and don't worry you know him well."Iemitsu said to his family."You mean ...the one that cames to our house a few years ago,Timoteo-san?"Ask Nana after remember they first met.Iemitsu nod as he gesture to them to get in the limousine.Later they leave the airport and move towards their destination.In limousine,Iemitsu told them that they will meet the best doctor he know tomorrow, and he also warn them about the said doctor behavior.They sweatdrops at that.Nana ask him why he know italian and why he never told her his workplace. Iemitsu freeze for a moments before he smile sadly and worriedly as he hold his wife hands, "I promise, I will definitely told you ,all about my job and myself tomorrow.For now please believe me that I treasure you and our sons."Nana was shocked to see his expression but she smile as he said the last words because she know that there was no lies in that words.She return his hold of her hands.Tsuna smile as he see his parent interaction,they always believe in each other no matter what happen.'No one can comes between these two,isn't it...'He thought.His brothers also smile as they see their parent although they too are confuse right now.Suddenly, growl...... "....." They looks at the person that unconsciously makes that sound"Don't blame me....I did not eat lunch yet..."Tsuna said as his face turn red and as he trying to control his embarrassment.Upon hearing his supposely explaination...


     The sound of laughter can be heard from the limo."Honto...You
are the best Tsu-kun. Pffft.. Hahaha.."Katsuna said between his laughter.At this Tsuna's face turn more red that makes tomato feels ashame of its colour.The supposely tense environment turn to a relax one with just the sound of hungry stomach.They all smile seeing the reaction of him.How much they want him to recover as soon as possible.How much they want to see him walk and run again.Only they know....

     A few hours later they arrive at Vongola's mansion.Through the journey,none of them sleep,they talk about a trivial things as they watch the scenery.As they walk into the mansion,they see that all of bodyguards have a guns.They stand close to Iemitsu,as they are foreign to the place and the treatment they got.Iemitsu ensure them that there is nothing to be afraid of.Later they meet Timoteo in the dining room and have lunch together.At first Timoteo was surprise to see Tsuna's condition eventhough Iemitsu had told him about it.After a short of introduction they eat as they talk about how long since they met and how the boys of Sawadas have grown up.But only Ietsu remember since he was older enough to remember their suppose grandpa.

     Later that night ,they sleep early tired from their long journey.The boys get a room for each of them,but stubbornly sleep with Tsuna in his room.He cannot stop his brothers since they are too protective.Truth to be told the two older brothers has been too protective towards their youngers brother since the incident that change their life.At the same time,their father ,iemitsu had a meeting with Nono.He told Nono that he made a decision to tell his family the truth about him.Seeing the determination that he emits Nono said "It might be the right choice since they are here now.They might be in danger and it is more safe if they know why.At least they can prepare for it mentally and physically..... I know that you are strong,your family too.So believe in them Iemitsu,believe that they are strong and that they believe you more than anything else."As he place a hand on Iemitsu shoulder to ensure him that everything will be alright.He smile at that,a sad smile that worry if his family will hate him after knowing the truth.

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