Wakeing up in an unknown place

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Aleka p.o.v
I woke up in an warm bed and the sound of waves hitting the side wait what waves last I check you can't here waves in my dorm room I shot up and felt an arm on my waste I was about to scream when a hand flew to my mouth "sshh" Harry said oh thank god I got my breathing back in control but I then realized I was in the same bed as Harry and I suddenly got fairy's to the stomach I blushed deep red realizing Harry didn't have a shirt on. He smirked at this reaction his hot smi- wait hot nonononono Harry Hook is anything but hot to me Aleka pan ok many he's Charming,sweet,cute,sexy,and most of all ho- no god dammit no I can't like Harry dad would murder me then murder him no it can't happen finally I snap out of my trance "you ok" asked Harry "yes" i said breathlessly realizing he is up and stretching oh my god Abbs ok maybe it can happen now all I have to do is convince Ben and then maybe I can date him then take him to meet mom and dad mom first definitely mom first she will understand "here are some clean clothes AJ said you could use them " Harry said I nodded starting to change not really caring if he was there or not when I was done I turned around to see Harry turned the other way blushing I giggled "Awe such a gentleman" I said giggling even more Harry turned around and stared in shock at me I started to feel self conscious I wrapped my arms around my waste and looked down "is everything ok" I asked scared of his answer I guess Harry realized I was self conscious he immediately wrapped me in his arms "hey no need to be self conscious your beautiful and brilliant do you understand any man or woman would be and should be glad to call you theirs and should dote you up with love do you understand" Harry said seriously I nodded shyly that I understood he smiled at me and handed me a pirate hat to put on "you know to match the look also to blend you in more you will need a sword but first I must ask can you use one" asked Harry in a serious/joking manner I nodded "of course I am the daughter of Peter Pan and I was practically raised by fairies the lost boys and Indians I learned a lot of things one of the first things was a sword and other weapons but mostly sword" I said sliding the sword in its place he smiled at me and held his hand out for me to hold I took it and we walked out hand in hand a two thoughts on are mind 'this wouldn't work' and 'but could it'.

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