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Chapter Two:

I was going to jump. Really. I was in the process of leaning over the edge when a hand grabbed my arm and pulled me back. I fell to the ground, scrambling to look up and figure out who did it. i pushed the hair out of my eyes and squinted, trying to make out a face. It was almost midnight here. The sky was dark and there weren't any lights in the forest. "Hello?" The person was breathing heavily and bent over, hand on knees. It took a few more seconds for my eyes to fully adjust and finally get a good look at their figure.

It was a boy, probably my age, maybe a few years older. He was looking straight at the ground, so I couldn't really see his face but I knew I didn't know him based on how his hair had looked and his body. "Hello?" I said a bit louder this time, quickly getting to my feet so we were on the same level. The boy jumped and stood straight up, wiping his nose and eyes. He sniffled and turned away for a second, jumping back around suddenly.

"What.. why were you gong to jump off?" His voice sounded strong and totally opposite of what I was expecting. I could still see him wiping tears away, so I was surprised he didn't sound more upset.

"Do you really expect me to tell you that?"

"Yes. I pulled you back, I saved you from your own self. I want to know why. " he dropped his arms to his sides and stood still.

I looked at the ground, shaking my head. Ever since Matt died, the only person I've opened up to is, well, no one. I haven't said how I was feeling in a very very long time. "No. I don't want to tell you, I'm sorry. Thank you, but I didn't and do not want to be saved. please go, please. "

He scoffed and crossed his arms. "Funny. Im sorry, I'm not going anywhere without you. "

"I don't even know you! Im not going anywhere with you. "

We stood silent for a few minutes before he cleared his throat. "I'm Kyle, I'm 19. I graduated high school last year and am not attending a college. I live at home with my mom and dad and dog. I made a career out of my youtube channel and im in a pretty popular colab channel. I don't have very many friends. I sometimes have the same urges you obviously have. I drink a lot of peace tea, and I enjoy noodles. There, now you know me. "

I looked up at him, rolling my eyes. "I appreciate it, but I really just want to die. "

"Well, like I said, I can't let that happen. How old are you? 16? 17? You sound young. You have so much going for you. "

"I have nothing. No one. I have nothing keeping me here. "

"You have me. And my dog. Once you meet my dog, you won't want to leave. Such a good pup..." he trailed off, shaking his head seconds later. "Im your friend now. Let's go, please. "


Dennys was surprisingly busy for it being one in the morning. Teens were screaming and laughing rather obnoxiously, annoying every single customer inside. I didn't let it distract me, though, from devising my great escape.

Kyle was persistent about me leaving with him. We fought about it for a rather long time before I finally gave in. Once we got into some light, I looked at his face, feeling somewhat relieved when I recognized him. He was a student at my school last year, and I was pretty confident his name was for sure Kyle. He tried to make small talk on the walk from the forest to Dennys, but I couldn't bring myself to participate.

Im not sure why we came to Dennys, seeing as neither of us ordered anything but water. Maybe it was because he knew I wouldn't go home with him. Maybe it was because he was desperate and this was the first place he could think of? Im not too sure.

"What's your name?"

"Hope. "

"Do you, um, live near here?" His voice startled me. I jumped slightly and looked up, shaking my head.

"No. I mean, yes, but im not going there. "

"Oh, okay. Can I ask why?" He played with his napkin.

"No. "

He didn't answer, instead dropping his napkin.

"Im sorry, but I don't know you still and I'm really not comfortable sharing details about my personal life with you. You understand that, right?"

"Yeah. okay. Im sorry. I won't ask anything personal. Where are you going to go? You can come with me? To my house, I mean. My parents are out of town and I um, well, I want to make sure that you're okay. "

"Why? Can I ask why you care so much?"

"I just care, okay? I care about people. Im a nice guy, and I want to make sure that people are okay. You're making that really difficult. " He squinted at me for a second, almost angrily. Before I could respond with my own expression, he let it drop and shook his head. "Please just come tonight. You can go tomorrow, but just, god please come with me tonight. "

I scoffed. I'M making it difficult? For him to care about me? He doesn't even know me. "Dude-"

"please. "

He Calls Me Blue. (REWRITTEN)Where stories live. Discover now