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Dipper, Mabel, and Bill watched in horror as Alfred scarfed down his ninth plate of Mabel's glitter waffles. Matthew looked at his twin and sighed, feeling embarrassed about his twin stuffing his face.

"Al... I think you've had enough." Matthew said, Alfred stopped before shrugging.

"Imf goodf!" Alfred chirpped with his mouth full.

"Alfred.... I'll call Arthur." Matthew threatened.

That made the American freeze and swallow thickly and chuckled, Mabel snapped out of her horror and grinned.

"I have never seen anyone eat that much food like that!" Mabel said in complete awe.

"Though... it is slightly concerning." Dipper added.

Bill just blinked.

"I'm sorry about that..." Matthew said, as he let out a soft yawn.

They nodded as Alfred started eyeing the last bits of Matthew glitter waffles. Matthew saw this and pulled his plate closer to him and glared at Alfred.

"Touch my food and I will burn your clothes and call Francis. You know that I'm not bluffing." Bill started laughing at the look of terror on the American's face.

"Uh... who's Arthur and Francis?" Dipper asked.

"Arthur and Francis are work friends and they practically baby us, since we are slightly younger then them and our other work friends." Matthew answered smoothly.

The teens nodded at this.


The Pines twins offered to show Matthew, Alfred and Bill around Gravity Falls and to do some shopping and Matthew, Bill and Dipper all regretted letting Alfred and Mabel take the lead. Mabel thought that it would be funny to dress Matthew, Dipper and Bill as girls. Claiming that it is for their safety from other girls, Alfred got photos..... then a punch to the gut from a ticked of Canadian. All photo evidence was deleted for the safety and sanity of the three boys, Bill knew to never tick off Matthew and to never let Mabel and Alfred take charge of anything together.

But here they are in the middle of the mall dressed as girls. Bill was wearing a yellow sweater with a black brick pattern with a black ruffled skirt that went to his knees and runners. Dipper was wearing a blue sweater with a black vine pattern with a grey ruffled skirt that went to his knees as well and runners. Lastly Matthew was wearing a red sweater with a white Maple leaf on the front and a silver and gold skirt that went to his mid thigh, sadly Mabel ran out of knee length skirts, and runners.

Alfred did their all of their hairs, Mabel's as well, in to nice hair styles. Bills hair had a white feathers braided into his hair. Dippers was straightened and then braided with feathers as well. Mabel's had flowers and feathers braided in a fishtail and thrown over her shoulder. Lastly Matthew's hair was put in a waterfall braid with a white lily tucked into the front part of his braid.

"Oh! Lets go to the Cafeteria and get some drinks!" Mabel chirped, dragging Bill and Dipper while Alfred dragged Matthew.

"Al! " Matthew cried as he was trying to keep up with his brother.

When they reached the Cafeteria Mabel took them to a smoothie bar and ordered two Mix berry bursts, Mango takeover, Scream berry, and Forever maple(A/N: Random names for smoothies). As they waited Matthew just looked at the ceiling in pure boredom.

"I'm gonna go find us a place to sit." Matthew said, they nodded and the Canadian walked away to find a table for them.

After a minute or two Matthew found a spot by the indoor fountain and sat there waiting for the group to come over. Pulling out his phone,sending a text to Alfred before turning to play some games on his phone.

Hetalia Falls: Bill's return and a new Villain enters[Oh hold]Where stories live. Discover now