The breakup

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Evie's POV Sunday

So far it's a normal day except the fact that school starts tomorrow . But I don't need to worry because I have my boyfriend Chad and all my friends to help me through this year. I'm drawing my idea for what to wear for prom. I know school hasn't even started but still I love planning ahead. It's a long blue dress with some ruffles and my signature blue leather jacket.
Oh right! I have a date with Chad today. Oh my god how did I forget?? Well not really a date but like a hang out but I need to look my best.

Audrey😜- What are u wearing for your date????


Audrey😜- don't worry I'll be over in a sec

Me- oh thank god

I'm sooo glad Audrey is coming to help me because Chad does not take lightly to having an ugly girlfriend.
Ding dong

"Hi Evie" Audrey says.

"Hi Audrey, I need your help. If this goes wrong I'll be the laughing stock of the school"

"Chill girl I got you"

She picks out my signature blue leather jacket over a blue and white t-shirt with black leggings and a blue skirt with my heart jewelry.

"This is perfect thank you Audrey you're the best"

"No problem"

She goes home and I realize my date isn't until 5 and it's 3:45.


I can't wait for school to start it's a time where I can get away from my mom. But it also means I have to hide my bruises from everyone because, people talk. Harry has only had a dad but he's away on his ship all the time so he rooms with Gil who's dad looks in the mirror to much to think about Gil. But Uma she goes through the stuff I go through, to an extent of course. She only gets in trouble at work. But me, I have it worst of all sadly, I don't understand why my mother won't love me like she did when my father was still around. But he left and that killed my mom's love for me and the world.

"MAL, MAL" Maleficent called to me.

"Yes mother?"

"Don't call me that bitch."

"What do you want?"


"no ma'am"


"no ma'am"

"THATS IT I'M DONE WITH YOUR SHIT YOU WORTHLESS (hit) LITTLE (hit) BITCH (hit) go back to your room and clean your self up then clean up all the blood on the floor."

I'm covered in blood from my mother's attack. I have a black eye, a busted and swollen lip, a gash down my calf, and a bunch of bruises all over me. I go to my room and clean the blood off me when Uma climbs through my window.

"Damn what happened to you?" Uma says.

"My mother happened."

"Let me help."

Uma goes and get a damp wash cloth and clean the cut on my leg while I clean up my face.

"Harry and Gil are on their way so we may want to hurry."

Gil and Harry dont know about my situation.

"What? Why did you invite them? Better yet why are you here?"

"Because the shop is getting new kitchen equipment and we wanted to hand out."

"Okay well let's just focus on cleaning this up."

We had just finished cleaning when Gil and Harry climbed through my window.

"Aye Mal, Uma what's your schedules?" Harry asks.

"I've got math first, health second, chem third, P.E fourth, lunch, English fifth, free period sixth, history seventh, and cooking eighth." Uma says.

"I have math first, chemistry second, art third, P.E fourth, lunch, free fifth, history sixth, Health seventh, and English eighth." I say

"They gave me the same schedule as Harry since this is my first year here." Gil says. He had been at a different high school last year but we knew him anyway.

"Right, and I've got math, P.E, health, history, English, lunch, free, college skills, and chem." Harry says

"Well we've all got math together at least." I say

"Yeah" Gil says.

Evie's POV

I'm waiting for Chad and it's already 5:15. He's never late to pick me up and if he is he tells me. What is taking him so long. I should probably text him.

Me-where are you?


Me-I'm coming over

I get to his house and knock on his door. No one answers. I knock again. His mom opens the door.

"Hi sweetie."

"Hi  Mrs.Charming can I see Chad?"

"Ummm he's with his girlfriend right now so you might want to come later."

"His girlfriend?" I say getting angry

"Yea-yeah why?"

"No reason." I say as I push past her and go straight to his room.

My heart is pounding and I feel tears forming in my eyes. I tear open his door and see him making out with some random girl I've never seen before. I stand in the door waiting for them to realize but they don't.

"CHAD!?" I yell.

"Oh shit." Chad whispers.

Malvie AU (highschool)  [UNDER EDITTING]Where stories live. Discover now