《Mild Spoilers to those who haven't watched part 3》
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The little bitch ass stupid horny fuck Dio is a total slut. That hoe was obsessed with Jonathan but I mean Jonathan got cake ;) so I don't blame him. Anyways that freaky Jonathan loving ass even took his body like damnnnn that really gay if you think about it. Everytime Dio gets sucked off or doing his thang, he always looking at Jonathan's peewee and actually Dio is always naked and looking at the mirror, I think, so he always looking at Jonathan's nude body. Getting off topic, everytime Dio fucks, it's always a threesome. Think about it, it's Dio plus Jonathan plus some random stranger. Actually it's probably more than a threesome because there are most likely times where he gets multiple strangers.Paragraph 2
Dio has been confirmed to be bisexual. And y'all bitches know bi's are the freakiest #ExposingYou. Anyways this proves how ThottyMcThotty has unlimited resources. He can and will fuck anybody. Any man, any woman, your mom, your dad, maybe you. Not to metion his age!!! Like he's 200 or something so he chill with elderly and- omfg no nevermind I don't wanna go there o.O.Paragraph 3
So y'all know his poses? Well I did a little bit of research and found out birds do a bunch of poses that signal mating. And when a certain bird does those poses, some other bird or whatever goes like "I wanna suc-caw your ca-caw". Anyways I've scrolled through the internet and everytime there's a screenshot of Dio's poses or him just standing, there's always comments like "dAdDy ; P" or something like that. So this means that Dio constantly sends out sex signals when doing those poses. He's a fucking bird y'alllllConclusion (paragraph 4)
Dio is a slut. Sluttiest of the slut. He's a fucking bird, he loves gang bangs, he horny. He probably has an STD. Stay safe y'all.