chapter 4

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"Kitty boy?" Ruka asked before trying to stop his chuckles by placing a hand over his mouth. The red-eyed boy growing irritated as he sent Ruka a look.

"You, what's your Alice?" Natsume asked her in a demanding voice not at all paying attention as everyone in the class was watching them. Narumi had already left, causing the frightened substitute to quickly run away after declaring yet another study hall.

"Alice?" Setsuka wondered confused with a small tilt of her head before gazing around at all the students using their own lives.

"Is that what they call them here?" Setsuka wondered to herself before turning to Natsume who frowned at her.

"Hey, you! Answer Natsume-sama!" Sumire yelled out angrily at the confused girl.

"I just have to tell you right?" Setsuka asked Natsume whose eyes widen as the girl walked over to him leaning down her head next to him before whispering something in his ear. His eyes widen slightly more as he listened before she pulled away his face becoming more blank.

"Hey, you! What did you say?!"

"He was the one who asked me. I don't think I have to tell you anything." Setsuka replied blankly turning to gaze at Sumire with an empty expression causing a look of anger to come over her face.

"Why you little-!"

"Be quiet," Natsume said cutting through  Sumire's fit of anger. At the sound of his command, Sumire's face brightened in a lovesick way. A sticky smile appearing on her face as she turned to him cheerfully.

"Yes, Natsume," Sumire replied in a live sick voice her body becoming jello as Natsume turned back away.  Deciding to go the other way she turned to go before another hand grabbed on to her wrist. Gazing down at the warm hand Setsuka gazed up to meet Natsume's eyes.

"I'm keeping an eye on you." He muttered to her in a tone low enough for her to hear. Nodding her head she waited for his touch to loosen until a loud voice broke through.

"Pervert Natsume! Let her go!" Hearing overly loud voice Setsuka turned to see a girl with two pigtails rushing over to them.

"Natsume! You molester!" The girl yelled out sending a glare Natsume's way. 

"Are you okay-" The girl Mikan said rushing to Setsuka. A student sitting close by stretched their leg out causing Mikan to trip. Mikan let out a loud scream in surprise her eyes widening as she stretched her arms out forward. Frowning Setsuka took a step to the side avoiding Mikan's falling body. With a loud oof, Mikan fell down on her face. Unbothered Setsuka only stared at the strange girl before stepping over her body to stand beside the sitting Natsume. 

"Who are you?" Setsuka questioned Mikan who quickly lifted her head showing the large bruise on her forehead.

"How can you forget about me?! I'm Mikan Sakura, we met just yesterday!" Mikan yelled out shooting straight up. Staring at her in silence Setsuka frowned looking at Mikan with a hard look as if she were trying to remember when she had met the girl.

"Oh...the crybaby..." Setsuka traced off blankly causing a few laughs to be heard around the classroom. 

"So you do remember me," Mikan said her face suddenly turning into a goofy happy face. Reaching out in excitement Mikan took hold of Setsuka's hands.

"Please don't touch me," Setsuka muttered her face growing cold as she stared down at Mikan. Mikan's face froze shocked at the girl's words with an almost dumbfounded look on her face. 

"Huh?" With a bored look, Setsuka turned away her eyes meeting those red eyes that had been watching her silently. Trying to figure out what was going through her mind.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 02, 2020 ⏰

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