The already doomed plan

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"H-how are we going to catch this monster without getting killed by it??" Those were the first words that Naegi squeaked out after Monokuma's announcement about the creature loose in Hope's peak, everybody else there was too shocked to speak, even Kyoko who usually was calm and reserved. The silence of the room was interrupted by everybody shouting at once about ideas to capture the monster and worries about staying alive, Asahina started to cry and Sakura comforted her, Ishimaru commanded everybody to stop talking, everybody stopped and turned their attention to him "I have a plan to take down the monster!" Exclaimed Ishimaru, everybody started yelling again about how there was no possible way to already have a plan to stop the monster. Ishimaru quieted everybody down again and proceeded to speak "We'll all work together to find the monster, then we'll talk some sense in it!" Everybody groaned at the completely flawed plan, Celestia then Offered an idea "We'll use somebody as bait and then use the unlucky one to lure the monster back to us so we can kill it." That caused another uproar, people were arguing over who would be the unlucky one to be the bait, Ishimaru then suggested that everybody draw straws with the person having the shortest straw acting as the bait, everybody then chose their straw, as fate would have it, Naegi chose the shortest straw out of the lot, he became pale and light-headed. It was dark now, Naegi was in the main corridor while everybody waited in the science room. Naegi wandered around aimlessly, praying that he wouldn't happen across the beast. Naegi wandered on for a bit more before he felt a dull pain all over his body, he ignored it and kept on walking forwards after a while the pain escalated and Naegi started cursing his luck but still continued walking down the hallways, after around 50 minutes, the pain became too unbearable for Naegi to ignore, he collapsed onto the floor, curled up into a ball, and hugged himself while he whimpered, tears dripping from his eyes, eventually the pain became so bad for Naegi that he blacked out.

In the science room, everybody was tense, waiting for Naegi to run down the halls while screaming, Kyoko began to worry for Naegi "What if he doesn't return? Then what do we do?" Kirigiri was interrupted from her thoughts due to a loud howl that came from somewhere, everybody proceeded to rush towards the source of the sound with whatever they could find, Kirigiri leading the group. At the end of the hall, a tall, brown,  canine-like creature stood, Kirigiri looked at it for a few minutes, blood dripped down from its claws, pieces of fabric were strewn everywhere. The creature roared at the general direction of the group and dropped down to all fours, it charged at the group, the whole group ran back the way they had come from but the beast was faster, it tackled Kirigiri and pinned her to the ground. Kirigiri looked extremely pale as the canine-like monster raised its claws to strike her dead, she held her breath and closed her eyes, awaiting death. It did not come, she opened her eyes to see what was going on, the creature looked straight at her, it looked more like a scared dog that anything, it then started thrashing around and clawing itself, releasing Kirigiri in the process, she took the chance to run away to rejoin the rest of the group at the science lab. The monster's somewhat familiarity troubled her greatly.

(A/N: Longer chapter this time I guess, haven't written in this for a while because idk. :/ hope this makes up tho! Sorry if anybody is out of character. xd)

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⏰ Last updated: May 23, 2019 ⏰

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