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Okay guys, I know I really really REALLY suck. I haven't updated in ages. But just now I realized something. I realized a serious problem, my reads, votes (And most importantly) MY COMMENTS, have gone from 1,476 reads to below 200, and my votes have gone from 33, to 13, AND MY BEAUTIFUL COMMENTS YOU GUYS GIVE, WENT FROM 369, TO 40.....😭


Guys, It seems from my lack of updates, some of you guys stopped reading, I've noticed that some of my favorite commenters haven't been commenting, and it brakes my heart. I'm sorry, I really need to try harder to update more, but if you guys have lost interest in this story, please let me know as soon as possible. Sorry for the super long rant, here are your 11 thingy things!


624. Wishing you didn't spend all of that time reading and had enough time for a boyfriend that could cuddle you every time you finish Allegiant or a book that the author pulled a Veronica on. (FROM THE COMPLETELY AWESOME Aualcicle)

625. What would we do with out the great writing of Veronica Roth? Nothing. Completely nothing.

#626. There really isn't a day where Divergent doesn't cross you mind.

627. When you hear some one insult divergent: You: *Walks up to the Pansycake* ".........Hi." Them: "Um hi?" You: "......WHAT IS YOUR FREAKING PROBLEM PANSYCAKE?!? DIVERGENT IS JUST SO.... AHAHAHDGAHHHFGAGDHSGAGSGDDSFTRJYBDHDSV...... SO YOU NEED TO SHUT UP OR YOU WILL END UP BUTTERNIFED. End of story, thank you!" *Walks away*

#628. Will. (You just made a weird sound that sounds like something dying) Marlene. (You just huddled up in a corner and started rocking back and forth) Uriah. (A single tear just fell from your eye) .......(Ready?).......... TRIS. (you just started bawling your eyes out.)

#629. No one but the other Fangirls understand our pain from Allegiant.

#630. I DON'T EVEN UNDERSTAND HOW SO MANY PEOPLE CAN WATCH THE MOVIE WITHOUT READING THE AMAZING BOOK. *mutters under breath* Stupid Pansycakes don't even understand how important.......*trails off*

~After Twenty Minutes of strange things being muttered under my breath~

#631. Life without Divergent is like Harry Potter without Harry Potter.

#632. Rereading your favorite parts of divergent.


#634. Did you find ZEKE in #633.? (if you didn't then........I'm sorry to say that you have eye problems)

Question: Do you have any story recommendations? (Wattpad or punished books)

Extra Bonus Question: Should I continue this story..... Or have you guys lost interest?


Alrighty. Done! I'm really sorry I haven't updated in A HUGE while, but I really hope that I can remember to update more and our decrease in Reads, Votes, AND MY PRECIOUS COMMENTS, turns into an amazing increase!!!





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