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Ray's POV

I was reading a book when a girl sat beside me, her strawberry hair caught me off guard, it's pretty. Her eyes were emerald like Emma's but a lot more darker, as if she's hiding something behind them. She's also reading a book, written by William Minerva, her neck is covered with a black scarf and I'm still curious why. It's currently summer and wearing that thing must be hell.

"Staring is rude." She said plainly, disregarding the fact that I am 2 years older than her.

"Hmm." I replied with a humm and just remain silent.

We were both reading each of our books, silently scanning the pages with our eyes, with me, glancing secretly to her own. She's a big mystery to me, an enigma herself. Mom doesn't gave me a lot of information about her because she herself, doesn't know a lot about this girl. I sighed and closed the book, staring at the scene in front of us before she stood up.

"Where are you going?" I ask her, she look down on me and flashed a small smile.

"House." She answered and I was alarmed when she suddenly run.

I run beside her and were both panting as we enter the house, even if she's sweating a lot, she didn't bother to put away her scarf. My eyes glare on her figure and she only smirked.

"Why are you even chasing after me?" She ask as we enter the dining hall.

"Mom told me to keep an eye on you." I said and sat on a chair, looking at her eyes.

"Oh really? That's interesting." She replied, a small smirk dancing on her lips.

I wasn't sure why mom wants me to guard her around, I'm not even close to her. You can say that we always read under the same tree for years and even if she's a mysterious girl, she caught my eye and planted a small seed in my heart, feelings that will remain kept and hidden. We both agreed to go at the library to read books again, sadly, we can't find anything interesting, she stood up in front of the window while I only sat on the chair.

"How about we talk about Emma and Norman, look at those two, looking so carefree and happy." She whispered, her eyes wide but still emotionless.

"It's because they're still naive, innocent." I said and stood beside her.

"How about you? It's been six years?" She said, surprising me.

She's a present wrapped in a box, so unusual, she can surprise me in different ways and she never failed to do so. It might be dangerous that she found out about me and my hypermnesia, but I can use her as my pawn.

"How did you found out?" I ask her, she look at me in my own eyes and gave me a small smile.

"I'm not as dumb as you think I am, I know how to read people," She stopped for a moment, making me search for any lies, "tell me, why is mom asking you to guard me?"

"She found a rope under your bed, a long rope." I whispered, turning my back from the window and leaning on the frame of it.

"And so? She conclude that I might escape? That's dumb!" She almost yelled, amused.

"Then what are you planning?" I ask her, she didn't answered.

I closed my eyes as she grab a book before leaving me inside the library, If she found out about the demons then maybe she's planning to escape the house. I need to put her on her right place, she needs to be a pawn, a stepping stone for my plans. She can't ruin my own plan, even if she's really cute.


My hands run down the railings of the stairs while the creaking sound of the wood is heard, Emma and Norman stood behind me while talking about their days. They giggled and laughed, smiling at each other while I remained silent, I don't even know how the three of us became friends, it shouldn't be hard to pull them with my plans.

"Hey, were helping mom with dinner, we'll leave you here." Emma said and I nodded my head as she pull Norman with her.

The poor boy only let her, I felt a gaze burning behind my back and as hard as I could, I fought back the urge to look back. It's her, mom is observing my moves, she's really manipulative and cunning. I've been living here since I remembered, my eyes wandered on my surroundings before I finished cutting the onions. I sighed as Emma's loud voice boomed inside the kitchen, trying to speak with the strawberry haired girl.

"I'm just here to get a knife, mom told me to." She said and Emma quickly ask her what kind, giving her one after.

I observe her as she left the kitchen, it didn't took us a lot of time to cook since all we have to do is to put the cans of soup into the warm water to heat it up.

"Hey, what's it like to have super memories?" She suddenly asked as we sat on our chairs in the dining hall.

"Bothersome." I replied.

"Yeah, remembering every little thing must be bothersome." She said, sighing.

"But it was useful." I said, a smirk on my lips.

She didn't made any move to speak again, I guess she find me boring to talk to but somehow, the silence she made between us is comfortable. The there served the food and we all began to eat after giving our thanks for the food. The girl beside me smiled as she eat her bread. Everyone in the dining hall seems to be happier this night and the corners of the room are getting a little brighter.


It was a little deeper than the yesterday but no one noticed, I was glad that Ray didn't noticed. I'm just angry that mom saw the rope under my bed, I shouldn't have placed it under there, it's a dumb decision. Anyway, there's a lot of things to make or obtain a rope. Things are getting a little harder for me, it's suffocating me, Ray is observing me now, he didn't even denied it but I was thankful, thankful to have some company.


Sorry for my grammatical errors and typos!

yeah~ ya author is still alive!!


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