Chapter 4

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-First Day of School-

Peter's POV

"Peter! You're gonna be late for school!"

I finish up brushing my teeth.

"You missed the bus. Do you want me to drive you?" Aunt May asks.

"Nah. I'll just swing there," I reply.

Aunt May frowns. "Okay, just be careful that no one sees you."

I grab a bagel for the road. "Will do!" I say, racing out the door.

Making sure to take the back roads, I start swinging. Just in case though, I put on my mask. Only partway though, I still need to eat my bagel.

I swing through Queens, hoping to get to school on time. Swinging is a faster mode of transportation than the bus, so I should be fine.

I reach school a little bit after the bus does. Right on time. I land in a vacant alleyway close by. I take off my mask and shove it in my backpack. Then, I walk the short distance to school.

When I get to my locker, Ned is right there to greet me.

"Hey, dude! You missed the bus."

I smile. "Oh, really? I didn't notice."

Ned laughs. "Yeah, but anyway. It's a good thing because I got to meet your friend, Harley, that you never told me about."

"Oh sweet! What do you think of him?"

"He's great! I don't know why you didn't tell me about him sooner."

I shrug. "It just slipped my mind I guess."

Ned frowns but it's almost instantly replaced with a grin again. "Here he comes now! Hey, Harley!"

I look behind me and sure enough. There's Harley.

Harley's POV

When Peter turns around, the urge to run and pick him up, then swing him around is almost unbearable. Maybe someday...

I wave at Ned and Peter. I walk over to them.

"What's up?" I ask.

"Spiderman on the ceiling," Ned jokes.

I laugh. I start to put stuff in my locker which is next to Peter's. Peter and Ned start having a conversation almost as if I'm not there.

"So Ned, you want to come over later?" Peter asks him.

Anger slowly starts to brew inside me. I'm right here! You've never asked ME over! I get a bit sad. Well, I guess he and Ned HAVE been friends for longer. But still!

I catch Peter glance at me briefly. Oh, NOW you notice me!

"You can come too, Harley."

All the anger I just had, fades away. The words send a surge of joy through the rainbow blood in my veins.

Ned is the first to reply, "Sorry dude, I can't. I'm busy later today."

Peter just nods, then turns toward me.

"Harley? What about you?"

"I-uh-yeah, I can come," I stutter.

Just me and Peter. This could be perfect! I can finally lay on the flirt. No, no, I need to wait longer before I do that.

Peter smiles. "Great! See you then." He starts walking away backward. "And, probably in a few classes." Then, he races off to his first class, Ned right behind him.

I slam my locker shut. I'm looking forward to later. 

-time skip-

"What do I do, Charlotte?!" I exclaim.

"Okay, let me get this straight-"

Even though I'm panicking, I can't help but interrupt her. "I'm not."

She sighs and rolls her eyes. "You're asking your very straight 15-year-old sister to help you with your very gay romantic problems?"

I grab her shoulders. "Exactly! You also like guys! You know what to do! What do I do?!"

She grins in an almost evil sort of way. This can't be good. "I say, you go full-on flirt and steal his heart. Maybe even give him a peck on the cheek. Who knows? He might actually start to like you. Whatever the case, it can't end up too badly. Go big or go home, homie." She folds her arms across her chest.

"Homie?" I question.

She stares me down. "Really? That's all you have to say about my monologue? NOTHING else stuck out to you? Just 'homie'?"

"It's a great plan, except for the fact that it's an awful plan and would completely ruin all chances at me every getting Peter."

She raises an eyebrow. "What makes you say that?"

"He'll hate me!"

"A little flirt might make him fall for you Har, you never know."

I sigh. "Fine. I'll do a little flirting. But just a little. I need to get going now."

She salutes me with two fingers before moonwalking out of my room.

I take a deep breath and check my appearance one last time. Then, I leave the house to go to Peter's. Don't screw this up, Harley.

785 words

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