Chapter 4

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Everything we went through to only end like this...... we finally had the family we always wanted... and our  son.... jiminie...... is he going to grow up without a father now?

"Ooh, so you do have a child after all~"

~ • ~ • ~ • ~ • ~ • ~ • ~ • ~

"Y-you!? you're my husband's brother!
Why are you here..... wait d-don't tell me were you the one that lead those soldiers to us!?!!"

"Ding, ding, ding congrats you are correct!
I was the one that told those soldiers your location."

"But why!!?
Why did you do it, we trusted you.... you out of all people.... why did it, have to be you..."

"Why, why, why....... is that all you know how to say.
Stop blabbering nonsense already, it's sooooooo annoying.
Well I guess I could tell you, because why not...... You see my little brother has always been a very kind person, to kind to be precise he would always give stuff to those in need when we bearly had enough for ourselves."

And it was even worse when he suddenly said he wanted to join the royal military. You have no fucking idea how hard I had to work myself for him, there would be even days I wouldn't eat just to save money. It's been like that since the day our parents die and left us to fend for our own.

There was even that time when I came back from work, and found out that my brother had used the savings on a homeless man that was passing by. And with that hard earn money he bought him clothes, and food, he even went as far as to buy him a small dagger. I was in raged but I continued to help him, since we only had each other to rely on....... oh how much of a fool was I......

Anyways time passed and finally he was able to fulfill his so called dream, he would some times send me letters and money but it wasn't enough. But one day I heard he eloped and it wasn't just with anybody, but with the demon princess.

And since that day he became a fugitive, traitor, criminal call him whatever. But you know what really made me upset, it's not the fact that he eloped and became a traitor to humanity...... but the fact that he was able to give up his dream so easily, as if it wasn't worth anything at all. And I had work myself every single day, just for that damn dream for years.

But you know I realized something that day, he eloped with a.......... princess. Meaning riches of all sorts would come, when they marry each other. And since I will be part of the family, it's only logical that I will receive some treasures.

But you know what was so fucking funny?

It turns out that she gave up all her riches to live, in the mountains with her dear lover my brother in total poverty. And he even had the balls to ask me for help, with necessities for his family since they had to be in hiding.

Some days later when I was in town I happen to see a wanted poster, with the faces of my brother and sister in law. They were asking for anybody to turn them in, either alive or dead. But what really got my attention from that poster, was the reward they were going to give.

For my brother it would be a very large sum of money, and for the demon princess it would be the title of a noble and some acres of land. That reward was like the light at the end at the tunnel, it was as if god had place this specifically for me. After all those years of hard work this was my mark of recognition.

"Y-you bastard, you actually sold out your own brother like that!"


What do you mean by brother, he is a traitor someone like that could never be a brother, he is nothing more than a traitor to humanity."

"But e-even so you are both of the same blood, and brothers should love and support each other not fight, and kill each other.!"

"Shut up!
I'm tired of your blabbering, now tell me were is the kid at."

"Over my dead body you fucking bastard!!"

"Well, it's not like i need you to be able to find him... I have other ways."

"Y-you-u what are going to do to him!"

"I was going to turn him in at first, but now that I think about it there are some lustful noblemen that would pay a lot of money for him."

"You piece of shit, I'm going to kill you!!"

"Kill me, you say yeah I doubt that after all you are already in death road."


From behind her an eerie shadow loomed above her, and with a quick swing of a sword her head came flying off.

"You know we could have left her alive at least...", he said as he stared towards the man with a sword dripping with blood. "Commander"

"It doesn't matter either way, you are still going to get your reward, so why does it matter if she is killed."


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Yeah... this took a long time to update, I kinda lost motivation and didn't know how to continue the story. Also since I don't really have a plot I'm just writing as I go, I'm still trying to figure things out. But I'm not planning on abandoning this story, for those that like it so far.

a different person that is the editor- bruh  there was so many errors like,, istg i was having a mental breakdown and kept scolding the b r o...  i'm so close to quitting,,,,,,

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