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I sat opposite Tris and James, my hands cradling my hot chocolate for warmth.

"The weather changes so quickly." I shivered.

"I know, only last month we were having a water fight." Tris laughed lightly, swigging from his own plastic cup.

"I like the autumn though, it's refreshing." I smiled, my eyes shifting to each crisp leaf floating in the air, the scenery painted with the colours of early autumn.

The air was cold, yet cleansing, making me almost certain it would be pouring with rain soon, but I didn't care.

"You don't mind it just being us do you?" James then suddenly asked.

"What do you mean?" I frowned.

"Like, you hanging out with us, without Brad." Tris explained.

When I initially received the text from James that morning, I did expect Brad and the other boys to be meeting me, but the fact that it was only James and Tris didn't bother me at all.

"Why would I mind?"

"I dunno, you and Brad are like joined at the hip." Tris shrugged.

James nodded in agreement.

"Yeah, I think he's gonna be pretty pissed when he finds out we hung out with you, without him."

"I'm sure he won't mind, he knows I've grown close to you two and Connor as well."

"I'm glad Brad introduced you to us, your pretty cool." Tristan smiled.

"Only pretty cool?" I rose an eyebrow jokingly.

"I think he means awesome." James smirked.

"Oh guys, your too sweet." I laughed.

"When Brad went on about you all the time before we met you, I thought he was over exaggerating, but he wasn't." James spoke.

"Brad used to go on about me, a lot?" I bit my lip, swirling the remains of my drink around in the cup.

"Constantly." Tris chuckled. "Still does."

I nudged my fringe to cover the blush flushing on my cheeks.

"James, Tristan!" a voice suddenly bellowed from behind me.

"Oh god." James muttered, rolling his eyes.

A tall boy jogged over to the bench we were sat at, kitted out with sports gear.

"What a coincidence seeing you here!" he beamed to the pair, who seemed to be smiling through gritted teeth.

The boy appeared to be short of breath as he spoke, however his blonde quiff was still perfectly set in place.

An awkward silence rested in the air, nothing but the sound of heavy, almost over exaggerated panting from the boy.

I glanced to James and Tris in desperation, who were both faced in the opposite direction, a frown rested upon their brows.

"So, who is this beautiful lady then?" The boy turned to me.

"I'm Lilly." I smiled politely. "And you are?"

"Reece." he replied, staring at me intently.

"Oh, so you know Jame-"

"He went to our school Lilly." James interrupted bluntly.

"Right." I nodded, attempting to ignore the fact Reece's eyes still hadn't shifted from me.

"So I'm guessing your going to the party on Friday." Reece cocked his eyebrow.

"Party?" I frowned. "I don't know anything about a pa-"

"Brad was going to ask you about it later Lilly." Tris butted in sourly.

"Oh." I shrugged. "I guess so then."

"Great." Reece smirked.

"Well I must be going, I think I have a scheduled work out session in about 10 minuites." he lifted himself up, flexing his muscles slightly as he ran his hand through his hair.

"Yeah, bye." Tris scoffed.

"Hopefully I'll see you around." he winked down at me, to which I highly cringed at.

"Mhm." Was all I could utter from embarrassment.

"What was that about?" I rose an eyebrow, checking Reece had jogged out of sight.

"Reece isn't exactly a nice guy." James spoke.

"He seemed ok to me, just a little confident."

"Confident is an understatement." Tris scoffed. "He's the biggest player around, messes around with girls and peoples relationships, even girls with boyfriends."

"One of your ex's?" I bit my lip.

"Con's actually." James corrected.

"Oh, damn." I furrowed my brow solemnly.

"When Con finds out he probably won't come." Tristan groaned.

"He'll know you boys have his back though." I shrugged.

"And Reece has got his crew." James sighed. "The crew you don't want to mess with."


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