iiii. essay in disney store

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iiii. essay in disney store

AFTER HER CLASS, RAINA HEADED TO HER DORM TO START HER ASSIGNMENT WHICH WAS ANALYZING ADAPTATIONS OF A FAMOUS STORY. She was indecisive about what film to do. She could either choose a fairytale like Cinderella or Aladdin but instead, she decided to write about the various adaptations of the Little Mermaid. She laughed how she could rewatch one of her favorite Disney films and call it "homework".

She placed her key into the lock. Even from the outside of the door, she heard music blasting from the room. Raina sighed loudly, "Oh hell no."

She opened the door to find her roommate, Stephanie, standing in the middle. She stepped forward into the room and sighed loudly so Stephanie could hear her.

Stephanie turned around. The smile on her face faded once seeing her roommate. She clicked a button on her phone, silencing the music.

"Great, here is the party pooper herself," she groaned.

Raina didn't know how Stephanie and her became roommates. They had nothing in common expect that they both were interested in the film business, expect Stephanie wanted to be an actress and Raina wanted to be a director. Other than that, they were total opposites.

"I thought you were staying at your boyfriend's apartment," Raina sighed, "I have a paper due tomorrow and I need some peace and quiet."

"There is this thing called a library," Stephanie responded.

Raina groaned, "Stephanie, this is my room too, I can't just get kicked out so you can have your dance parties."

Stephanie scoffed, "Who cares?"

Raina wanted to scream. She wanted to scream at Stephanie, tell her that she does care. She was paying for the room, her education, everything out of her fathers' and her bank account. That's why she worked any day she didn't have classes so she could get money. Stephanie didn't have to worry about that with her coming from a family with large amounts of money.

Raina grabbed her laptop and stuffed it into her backpack, "I don't need this right now. I don't need to deal with your bullshit."

She exited the room, knowing she lost to Stephanie. Raina took the phone out of the pocket, dialing Lilah's number.

Lilah answered, "Raina?"

"Can I stay over at you and Alex's place tonight?"

"What? Raina, are you okay?"

Raina answered, walking down the dorm hallway, "Stephanie has taken the dorm room hostage and I would stay at my dads' but it's their anniversary and-"

"Raina, of course, but Alex and I are both working so you would have to wait until one of us is off."

"That's fine. I'll work on my paper there."

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