Chapter 1: the beginning

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^ her outfit and dw she's wearing shorts under lol

Kianas p.o.v Beginning

"Get the fuck away from me!" I screamed as a guy in the club started groping and hugging me out of nowhere. "Oh come on kitten, I know you want this" he said as he started biting his lip thinking he was sexy but ended up looking like a fish that couldn't breathe.

"There's nothing you have that I want you skinny idiot" I scolded myself for the lame insult as I turned around and started walking away, but I take it the guy thought that I was leading him somewhere as he followed me through the crowd. "come on Anne where the fuck are you when I need you the most?!" I said under my breath as I was frantically looking through the crowd searching for a familiar face to pop up.

As i looked back and didn't see the guy following me anymore, I walked out of the club needing some fresh air. I leaned against the wall in an alleyway beside the club heaving a big sigh "damnitt this is the 3rd guy tonight" I said to myself as I was starting to feel frustrated with myself for letting this happen and frustrated at Anne for basically forcing me to tag along and leaving me alone after promising that she wouldn't

As I was about to pull my phone out to call her I couldn't feel it anywhere, "shit!" I remembered that I gave her my purse cause her wallet was also in there because she wanted to go buy some drinks. I sighed as I ran my hand through my hair.

I suddenly felt as if I was being watched by multiple eyes. As I looked around I didn't see anyone " damn I really gotta stop watching scary movies" I chuckled lightly as I thought I was being paranoid.

"I've been out here for a while I should probably head back inside" before I even got to take a step I heard growling, and let me tell you something.. thAT DID NOT SOUND LIKE A DOG! I froze completely at the sound, too scared to move. Afraid that something might come out and attack if I did. My breathing started getting out of control and I started panicking. I suddenly heard someone breathing very heavily "h-hello-o? I-is anyone here?" I mentally scold myself for stuttering because whatever that is out there probably knows by now that I'm scared shitless.

okay clam the fuck down, it's probably nothing... let's just turn around and see what it is. With that being said I turned around as slow as I could with my eyes tightly closed. As I was fully facing where the sound came from I tensed up completely and opened my eyes to find
... "what? Is this some kind of joke??"

Author p.o.v

Disbelief was heard in Kianas voice as she stood facing the three adorable little puppies that were sitting in a straight line obediently " wait a minute...... omg!" Kiana was now shocked as she stood facing the three wolf puppies. She crouched down to their level and cooed at the puppies as they tilted their head at her curiously and cutely. "Hi little ones, what are u doing out here by yourself huh? Don't you know it's dangerous to be wandering around?" She scolded them softly as if they could understand her. They lowered their head as if they knew what she was saying and started whining. She started to look around to see if she could spot who these three little runaways belonged to -till she heard growling, which sounded right.beside.her.ear.

I know this this isn't the best but I really tried. I was in a hurry making this and I wanted to write so much more so I apologize. But I hope it will be better in the future :]

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