Last night was awful, I wished I was asleep while my mother yelled at me, my brain felt like it was about to explode of thinking too much, and my eye felt like a water ballon about to get pinch.
I held my breath. And ran away.
She did nothing because she was to fat to run, and as I was getting far from her her voice was fading away. My father was a statue with no feelings, just watching the big show his family was. As I ran to the door I wish this was a dream and I've done anything wrong in the real life. I slapped my left arm with strength so I could wake up, it didn't work.
I closed the door behind me and when I got the first mile I suddenly stopped.
"What I am gonna do? Where I am supposed to go? I got no money" And the water balloons got ripped.....
...To be continued.