Chapter 2

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When we are a safe distance away from my house, I turn the radio loud and Daniel puts the windows down. Sitting in that car next to my superhero, with the wind flowing through my hair and the music blocking out all other sounds, now that's what I call happiness. We restart Disconnected and sing terribly and loudly to it, not caring who could hear us. That was our routine. It kinda surprised both of us that we haven't gotten sick of that song yet. But hey, I guess when a song is just that good, it's impossible to be annoyed by it; especially considering the fact that it is "our song."

When a new song starts playing, we are already miles away from home. It used to terrify me how fast Daniel drives but I trust that he knows what he's doing now so I don't worry about it anymore.

Twenty or so minutes pass as I stare out the window absentmindedly before I glance over at him to sneak a look at his handsome face. Well, maybe "handsome" isn't quite the right word. Don't get me wrong, he is a very, very attractive guy surprisingly enough considering that I look like a frickin' potato. But he just isn't the conventional handsome. To be honest, he's just sexy and a little rough around the edges... which is hot! I smirk as the thought of how he is the type of guy my mum would warn me about when I was a little girl crosses my mind. Oh how wrong she was. He suddenly clears his throat, bringing me out of my thoughts and back into reality.

"Ya know, it's not nice to stare, kitten," he says glancing over at me and then back to the road.

I blush as the realization hits me that I have been staring at him for a while. A barely audible "sorry" leave my lips and I start to look at the lights going by in a blur outside my window. I don't recognize where we are. I turn back to him with a confused look on my face and before I am able to ask, he answers my question.

"It's a surprise," he says as a smile begins to pull at the corners of his lips. "You haven't forgotten what day it is tomorrow, have you?"

Oh shit. A wave of guilt washes over me as I begin to think it might be our anniversary or something. I sigh with relief as I look at the date on my phone and remember that tomorrow is actually my birthday. Oops. I completely forgot and I guess my family did, too, considering that they hadn't said anything to me about what type of cake or what presents I wanted.

"You forgot, didn't you?" he sighs at me.

I smile shyly at him and chuckle, embarrassed at my own absentmindedness. "I guess I did," I admit.

He smirks at my embarrassing response, but pats the top of my leg to comfort me. "So I take it, you haven't been asked what you want for your birthday from your family or anything?" He questions me.

I look down, my good mood immediately becoming more somber. I shake my head no. "Hey, hey. Katie, look at me," he says comfortingly as we stop at a red light and he cradles my face in his hands. "I have the whole day planned out. I'm gonna make this your best birthday ye..." A car honk interrupts him seeing that the light has turned green and we are still stopped. Daniel curses under his breath as he starts to drive again.

I look at him skeptically as a memory of last years birthday "surprise" from him comes to mind. He glances over at me. "Hey! I know what you're thinking and don't even say it!" he says defensively and I can't help but giggle. "It wasn't my fault... how was I supposed to know that goat didn't like being petted there," he grumbles more to himself then to me.

"Daniel, I tried to tell you to stop when he began to nip at me," I say.

Daniel scoffs at me. "I thought that was him showing how he liked it!"

I giggle at how cute he looks when he gets all grumpy and defensive like this. "Do I need to show you the scar from where he actually bite me?" Daniel gently grabs the hand I was waving in front of his face and kisses the scar on my hand left from a very annoyed goat a year ago.

He sighs. "I'm sorry, kitten. I promise this year will be a lot better."

"If you say so," I try to say as a yawn escapes my mouth. I look at the time and it reads 2:56 am.

"Go ahead and go to sleep, babe. It'll be another hour or two before we get to our destination," Daniel says soothingly. "I'll wake you when we get there." I nod, lay the seat back and turn to lay with my back to Daniel. He rubs my back gently a few times and it doesn't take long after that for my eyelids to become heavy and drift off into a peaceful slumber.


So I went ahead and decided to publish a chapter 2 just so you all can get a better feel for what the story is probably going to be like. Please feel free to leave your positive and negative comments about what you think of my story so far. I hope you all are enjoying it.

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