The Game {part 1}

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My family and I were in Hawaii for a holiday. Being an only child gave my parents that advantage of being able to call someone to collect me if the wanted to go on a romantic dinner together. One night they did just that.

I didn't want to go but when I found out who I was going with I changed my mind straight away. When the knock on our Hawaiian villa's door sounded, my father opened the door while I stalked down the stairs. "Hola, amigo." I recognised that voice and looked up. "Pedrooo!" I squealed and raced at him. "Ey, amiga. How are you?" He asked as I tackled him around his waist.

"Have fun, guys" my mother said, kissing Pedro on his cheek and me on my forehead. She then grabbed my father's wrist and pulled him outside. Pedro closed the door and turned to face me. "We haven't seen eachother for 4 years and now as a 16 year old I wasn't the same girl he would remember. He looked at me in my black jean mini shorts and army print shirt. "You look...grown up. Remind me of your mother." He smiled. That was a complement as my mom was a very beautiful woman. The only difference is that my eyes are blue and her's are brown.

That's when the doorbell rang again. "I'll get it." I walked to the door and opened it. I looked at who was standing in the door in silence for a while befoee letting out a scream. Ben Affleck, Charlie Hunnam, Garrett Hedlund and Oscar Isaac stood before me. The four men laughed and I swivelled around to glare at Pedro. "You planned this, you meanie." I slapped his chest.

He grinned at me and I turned back to the other four actors and motioned for them to come inside. "Or just stand outside like idiots, I don't mind." I shrugged and didn't get a chance to react as a triggered Garrett tackled my waist. He tipped me upside down with ease and I screamed. I pushed my shirt down and strained. My dance and gymnastic lessons payed off because I managed to sit up and twist so that I was clinging onto his back.

The rest of them looked on in awe as I slid down his back and crossed my arms, unimpressed. "You're going to have to try harder." I said and that's when I realised that Pedro had disappeared. Horror filled me as I knew what was coming. "Pedro! I know what you're trying to do!" I yelled sprinting to the living room.

Just as I expected Pedro was sat beside the DVD player rummaging through my childhood videos. I was just about to leap at him when Oscar caught my shoulders. "We want to see those." He smirked and pulled me down onto the sofa. I sat between him and Ben with Pedro, Charlie and Garrett infront of us on the floor. The video of my 5th birthday started playing.

I nudged Pedro with my foot and leaned forward to whisper in his ear. "You couldn't pick a less tortorous one?". He chuckled and I sat back. Squirming, I thanked god that the room was dark otherwise they would've seen my blush as the video moved on to the birthday party games. "Oh. You were there?" I asked surprised to see Pedro lay all the kids down including young me on the floor. There was around ten of us side by side on the floor. We all linked arms and the whole point of the game is that one of the adults had to seperate at least one of us.

Pedro as usual went first and immediately zeroed in on little me's hips. 5 year old me burst into giggles but kept a stong hold on the two cousins that lay next to me.

I did not notice Ben's hand slowly make it's way to my side until it was too late. I squeaked and jerked away. Five pairs of eyes turned to me and I accepted my fate. I squeezed my eyes shut only for them to fly open again when Charlie grabbed my ankles and pulled me off the sofa.

I frowned and watched as Oscar moved the small glass table out of the way. One of my eyebrows raised itself as Charlie sat on one side of me and Garrett on the other. Oscar sat next to Garrett and Ben sat next to Charlie. Oscar and Garrett liked arms and so did the other two. "Are you serious?" I chuckled and looked infront of me at Pedro.

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