Kenny McCormick || high hopes

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Song: High Hopes by Kodaline

Broken bottles in the hotel lobby

Seems to me like I'm just scared of never feeling it again

I know it's crazy to believe in silly things, but it's not that easy

Kenny McCormick was the love of her life. Sure he wasn't perfect, but nobody was. In the eyes of others, Kenny was a fuckboy who enjoyed toying with the feelings of not only girls but boys too. Rumours began to spread around about him sexually harassing Butters. They were false, he'd never do that. He began to lose popularity, then his friends, then his sanity, then his life.

Throughout it all, however, one person remained by his side. Y/N L/N. She loved him more than anything. When he died, she was driven to drinking, and drugs and prostitution. It was all she could do to get her mind off of him: get high, get drunk, get fucked. The cycle continued. It was unhealthy.

I remember it now, it takes me back to when it all first started

But I've only got myself to blame for it, and I accept that now

It's time to let it go, go out and start again

But it's not that easy

The day they met was still crystal clear in her head.

Her parents were friends with Stan's parents, automatically making her 'part of Stan's group', thus meaning she could spend time with the boys. Cartman was always a douche to her, like he was to anyone, except when she made a 'decent comeback for a girl' as he'd say. Kyle was shy around her at first, but he got out of his shell quite quickly; he was actually very smart and sweet. Stan—he was Stan: kinda quiet, edgy and over-emotional. And then there was Kenny: peverted, sexual and hilarious to be around. There was a softer side to him, too. One only Y/N could see, one she could only wish to see again.

But I've got high hopes

It takes me back to when we started

High hopes

When you let it go, go out and start again

High hopes

When it all comes to an end

But the world keeps spinning around

No matter how much time passed, or how many people she'd slept with or how much she numbed her mind with alcohol, time kept moving and Kenny wasn't coming back. The weird thing was, nobody cared. The world just kept on spinning. It was like Kenny had never died; never existed.

And in my dreams I meet the ghosts of all the people who've come and gone

Memories, they seem to show up so quick but they leave you far too soon

Naive, I was just staring at the barrel of a gun

I do believe it

A lot of time passed, and Y/N grew used to the idea of being alone. She slept alone, lived alone, graduated alone and felt alone. Of course, she'd sometimes miss the smartass Jew or the Fatass, but they were only memories now. Hazy memories that were all in the past, all behind her.

Just like Kenny...

She missed him. There was one solution she saw to this, to be with him again. She stared down the barrel of the gun, overwhelmed with emotion. Should she cry? Should she laugh? Should she even do it?

"Of course," she whispered,"for Kenny."


Yeah, but I've got high hopes

It takes me back to when we started

High hopes

When you let it go, go out and start again

High hopes

Oh, when it all comes to an end

The world keeps spinning

Yeah, the world keeps spinning


For Kenny, everything was dark at first. He was used to this, though. Dying. He was also used to no-one remembering.

"The world just keeps spinning," he said to no-one in particular. You see, death wasn't all that bad. Not for him, anyway. Sometimes he'd get to watch over the living for a little while in heaven, and sometimes all he'd see was black. This was one of those times.

He didn't expect to hear that Y/N had remembered his death. He also didn't expect to hear of hers.

Ohh, high hopes

It takes me back to when we started

High hopes

When you let it go, go out and start again

High hopes


Yeah, but the world keeps spinning, uhh

Yeah, the world keeps spinning

He knew there was nothing he could do. So he did nothing; except cry himself to sleep each night, punch brick walls 'till his knuckles bled and cursed the God above that He took his Angel away. He tried to die more often now. Just to see if he could see her face one more time.

But it never worked. All he could ever see was black. He would never see her again, and there was nothing he could do...

How this world keeps spinning around?

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