Levi Ackerman || 🇲​🇾​ 🇷​🇪​🇱​🇺​🇨​🇦​🇳​🇹​ 🇭​🇪​🇷​🇴​

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Levi Ackerman: Humanities Strongest. He wasn't one for letting people in. He rarely trusted people, opened up or even befriended people. So when he fell in love he was terrified. Being a person of his rank, he had to take his job seriously. This didn't leave him much time for socialisation, or even himself. Many a days were wasted, sat alone in his office drinking bitter black tea and scribbling his name in cursive on an endless amount of sheets of paper. Even when it was time to sleep, his mind was plagued with thoughts of the deaths he had seen, the people he missed, and them.

Y/N was the most gorgeous person he had ever laid eyes on. The way their H/C hair flowed in the wind, or the way their E/C eyes lit up made Levi weak. He loved their personality and how they never failed to light up the room, even in the darkest of times. He knew they never really wanted to join the Survey Corps, they only did it for the money to support their family. 


He would have to pay their family a visit, soon. He had only met them once. 

Levi never really had any experience in romance, but Y/N thought his way of flirting was the sweetest. Every morning, at the ungodly hours in which Levi would wake, he would leave a rose by their beside table with a small note; all that was written were his initials with a small heart by it. Little did he know, he was the reason they would get out of bed everyday; to be greeted by that small reminder that Levi loved them. 

It was around 4 am, the time that Levi had decided he would leave a rose near where Y/N slept. It was pouring buckets.

"How fitting." Levi said to no one. He didn't wear his uniform. He decided that he would dress casual: his black trousers, white shirt and signature cravat, with a black blazer wrapped around his shoulders. He didn't bother with an umbrella or any protection from the rain at all. 

"A bit of rain never killed anyone." He picked up his singular rose with the small note, and left. 

"Hey Y/N," He said upon arrival. They couldn't hear him, they were sound asleep, "I know I haven't done this for a while. I guess I just lost track of time..." He sighed and placed down the rose, "Everything's been getting to me lately. I've been really harsh on Jeager, poor boy. I even lost my temper at Hanji a couple times, though I'm sure she's used to it by now," He chuckled, "times like these, I would come to you. Maybe just to talk or to cuddle or even to cry. Humanities Strongest, ha! How was I even given that title? I don't deserve it!" He brought his fist down onto the wet soil below him. 

"I couldn't even save you...that's what I was always afraid of: losing you. You were my life, my light and my love. If you were still here, I would've asked you to marry me. I'm sorry I wasn't there, we could've been together...forever..." He began to cry. His tears were invisible in the rain. 

"I'm sorry, Y/N. I love you, I hope you know that," He glanced down at the gravestone in front of him: 

"In loving memory of Y/N L/N

A brave soldier who sacrified their life

for Humanity. 

Je t'aimerai pour toujours et toujours" [1]

"Goodbye, my reluctant hero." He stood up and began walking away, taking one last glance at the rose he left, along with a shimmering silver ring. 

[1] From Google Translate, meaning "I will love you forever and always"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 25, 2019 ⏰

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