chapter 9

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"Achoo!" I sniffled, grabbing yet another tissue from the bedside table.

I was sick. It must have been the coldness of last night. It's safe to say Taehyung's jacket didn't help. Great. Now I've run out of tissues. I've been up all night sneezing and coughing, chugging glass after glass of water. I feel shit. Best part is, I'm alone. My parents are at work, so if I want tissues or ice cream or hot noodles I have to get it myself. Yah curse the weather.

Taehyung's p.o.v

I stroll into class, late yet again. It's not that I never get to school on time, it's that if I hang around in the halls long enough I can skip the lesson, but I generally get caught. I sighed my way to the back off the class, going to collect Hyejin for our first studying session... but she's not there. Maybe she's just late? Psht who am I kidding she's never late. That little faker, she was fine yesterday there's no way she's suddenly ill.

"Achoo!" I sneezed.

"Bless you." Miss Lee spoke, her eyes not leaving her book.

I sniffled and walked out of the classroom. Okay, if Hyejin thinks she's getting a sly day off school I'm proving her wrong. I grabbed my coat and walked out of school. I picked up some hot noodles for myself, but I thought she might be hungry. Though if she thinks she getting a free day off school AND free food she can think again. I arrived at her house, actually a little anxious to knock on the door. I don't know why I want to see her... it's just weird at school without her. I mean who else am I going to stare at? No one has her perfect skin, or long eyelashes or her cute small ears, or her plump cherry lips-. I slapped my cheek.

"Yah snap out of it Taehyung." I shook my head and knocked on the door.

I heard a groan coming from inside the house. She thinks she has the right to groan when she's skipping scho-

That's when she opened the door.

Hyejin's p.o.v

I look gross. I have purple rings under my eyes, a red nose, teary bloodshot eyes, and don't even get me started on my pale skin. The doorbell rang. Why?! Whyyyy?! I stood up and dragged myself to the door, wrapped in my thick blanket. I opened it to see Taehyung...

"Ugh what do you want?!" I complained. Why is he bothering me? Shouldn't he be in school?

"O-oh you look-"

"Dreadful I know, you don't need to tell me."

"I was going to say beautiful but-" he joked, smirking like I'm in the mood for his weird jokes.

"Ah, so your type is girls who look like demons then?"

He laughed at the fact that I used all my energy to make a smart remark.

"Can I come i-" he sneezed.

"Can't you see I'm sick? Don't be a bastard leave me alone." Is he blind.

Taehyung gave me a death stare.

"Looks like I'm ill too thanks to you so don't go calling me a bastard."

"Me?! How is it my fault?!"

"I gave you my jacket! You should be thanking me for keeping you warm!"

"Looks like it didn't even help! You brought it on yourself, insisting I hold your hand to 'warm it up'!" I shouted, my voice breaking as it's sore.

"Yah see what you're doing to me, I can't get better when I'm bickering with you."

Taehyung barged through the door grabbing my hand while he's at it.

"Yah don't touch me." I shook his hand off.

Taehyung turned to me and rolled his eyes.

"Fine suit yourself." He said coldly, shoving the paper bag in his hand into my arms and storming out.

The bag was hot. I placed it down on the table and looked inside. I was left in awe when I saw the contents of the bag.

"He bought me food?..." he really does know how to make me feel bad.

I sigh and text him.

Send me your address now.




Just do it.


*inserts address*

I used my phone gps to guide me there. I was constantly looking at my phone so I wasn't aware of my surroundings. I finally reached his house and I looked up to- wow. I look up to see a beautiful mansion with a Sports Porsche Boxster sitting on the drive. Taehyung lives here?! I slowly walk up to the gate and buzz waiting for a response.

"Hello?" A voice deeper than deep answered. It's got to be him right? It must just sound different on speaker.

"Erm Taehyung? It's Hyejin... I brought your noodles... maybe we can eat together while we study..." I got no reply but a deep sigh. "I'm sorry okay... I'm sick and feel weak but I'm willing to help because you need it-"

"Gosh you are so pathetic." The man spoke.

Why would he say that I'm apologising to him?!?!?!

The gates slowly opened. I cautiously walked up the long pathway, stopping at the giant doors that laid before me. I wasn't sure whether to knock or not. As I was hesitating, the door opened, revealing a tall, dark hair man. He was older looking, much older than Taehyung. He was expressionless. Taehyung is hard to make judgement on but this man, god one cold stare could freeze you.

"Hyejin I believe?"

I nod quickly.

"Taehyung is just through there." And with that he walked away.

I gulped, a little relieved to be alone. I opened the light grey door to find Taehyung, sat in the corner.... is he crying?! I ran over to him and kneeled down.

"W-What happened?!" I questioned, concerned.

"You need to leave now Hyejin." He said sternly, standing up.

"Why? I came to study-"

"It's not safe go home!" He shouted.

Just as he shouted the door busted open, revealing the man from before. Taehyung barged in front of me putting his arms out. That's when I saw it. His face. It was all cut up and bruised. I was starting to get really scared.

"Why are you standing like that, are you scared I'll show her how stupid she is too?" The man laughed. It was chilling, evil even.

"Stay away from her!" Taehyung shouted.

The man started walking closer. Each step Taehyung moved back, protecting me.

"If you don't move boy, you'll get hurt."

I started to tear up as I finally realised what was happening. His dad hurts him.

"I'm not letting you hurt her." Taehyung stood his ground, though I could see him shaking as he lept forward tackling his father to the ground.


"What? No I can't just leave you!"

"Go I'll be fine!"

I couldn't think. I was frozen. I can't just leave him, but I don't want to get hurt.

"Trust me." He stared at me, I don't know what it was about that look but it told me he would be okay.

I nod and run as fast as I can out of the house. I run and I run until I reach the alley way, where we first met, and collapse on the floor, tears streaming constantly from my eyes. I can't believe he's been going through this...

A/N: sad update I know

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