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In a bar near Konoha...

"Gather round boys, let me tell you a story. A legend moreso. A tale to shiver you to your core. A tale of The Dead Lands" All the men in the bar stopped conversing and looked at the old man like he was crazy. They have all heard of the fabled Dead Lands, tales of 'things' rivaling the power of the seventh hokage himself. It's just a legend though, stories passed down from generation to generation to pass the time. There's no way it could actually exist. However, curiosity got the best of some of the men and they gathered near the fire. Other people returning to what they were doing beforehand while keeping an ear open towards the conversation.

"North of the land of lightning, the land of Iron, the land of glaciers, as north as north can go. Exists an unending storm where green lightning is prominent. Nothing visible to outsiders and if anyone dares come near, will be swept by the current. And in that storm is said to be an unending wasteland of desert, full of creatures that are not of this world. Creatures so strong they are said to be the causes of earthquakes in the land of earth for many a millenia."

Everyone looked at the man. They all knew of the unending storm that existed to the north but for the Dead Lands to exist inside this storm?

"Many a men have gone seeking for the Dead Lands, never to be fou..."

"BAH, nothing we haven't heard before. Legends of creatures that cause earthquakes where there exists no land, what do you take us for, fools" One of the men said.

"A wasteland within a tropical storm and green lightning, what fairy tale book did you get your stories from?"

"I bet you he doesn't even believe his own stories, good for nothing old man."

"No please, I swear to you this story is real!"

In the corner of the bar a mysterious figure with a hooded cloak finishes his drink and leaves a tip for the bartender. He smiles slightly as he leaves the bar, leaving the men to argue amongst themselves about what's real and what's not.


"Grab my hand Boruto!" Sarada had screamed, their fingertips just inches away.

It was supposed to be a routine mission to the land of water. But on the way back to Konoha, things had gone awry. A storm like no other had suddenly formed within minutes. Water surging all around them as the deafening thunder can be heard in the distance. Lightning illuminating the skies. Konohamaru and Mitsuki were trying to help the crew keep the ship afloat in any way as Boruto and Sarada had just reached the deck. At that moment the water around them was struck by cannon fire, just missing the ship. Sarada looked at Boruto, an expression of fear on his face as he ran to the opposite side of the ship to see who was firing at them. Then it happened.

A canon struck the middle of the ship. Wood flying everywhere as everyone was hurled to the ground. Sarada looked around to make sure everyone was ok. The ship had survived that blast but how many more could it take? Thunder sounded in the distance.

Sarada woke with a start. Her body sweating profusely as she laid up in bed, eyes blood red. She hates that day. She hates all the nightmares that haunt her of that day, constantly reminding her that he's not with them anymore. That day three years ago when they were still genin. The day she had awoken all three tomoe on her sharingan. Today was the anniversary of that day. The day she lost her first crush. The day she lost her best friend. It would have been his 18th birthday today. She lay in bed and silently cried.

Sakura could hear Sarada's sobbing from outside the door, as Sasuke was approaching her. They knew what today was. It was the day their daughter stayed in bed and sobbed because of her past.

"She has to move on eventually. He's gone," whispered Sakura. They had this conversation so often with Sarada but everytime she tells them it's fine and that she's moved on. And yet for the past three years on many days and specifically this day, she couldn't control herself.

"At this point, we have to wait until she's ready to move on," replied Sasuke. Sakura nodded and the couple headed downstairs, leaving their daughter alone.


As the sun is setting later that day. A mysterious figure appears on the horizon of Konoha's gates with blonde hair, blue eyes and a black cloak covering the rest of his features.


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