Chapter 8: A warped adventure

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Sorry for the very late uploads. I thought writers block was a myth. I rewrote this chapter 3 times and still not the best I could have done but it was good enough for me. I will most definitely upload more consistently now since I know the direction of this arc. 

Boruto was walking away from the jungle area with a bag over his right shoulder and his fur 'coat' dangling from his other shoulder. It's been a day since he decided to head out towards the tundra and in that time he's collected plenty of food for his journey. Mostly assortments of berries and other fruits that he's found that will last for about five days. The most interesting one however was probably what was called an asum.

Boruto peeled back the asum.

It looks exactly like a banana but the middle part is inedible and its skin is the part that's supposed to be eaten.

Boruto spit out the skin.

"God damn it, really. This is an actual banana."

Boruto reached inside his pack to find another banana, maybe?

This, is an asum. Man this island is weird.

Boruto suppressed a smile as he took a bite and forged onwards towards the wasteland between the tundra and the jungle, with the volcano in the distance to his right.

It's been a whole day since I left the jungle and I finally made it to the edge! It only took me an hour the other day. Did I really go that deep into the jungle?

Boruto looked forward towards the wasteland. A desert basically, however it's not as hot as the jungle area due to the ocean nearby and the gentle breezes here and there. His view of the desert was blocked by a large sand dune a couple hundred feet in front of him

The wasteland looked longer than the jungle area so I expect this leg of his journey to take about a day or two based on the walking that I just did to get out of the jungle.

Boruto got down in a squatting position at the border where grass met sand, and felt the sand. "This sand." Boruto took a handful of sand and instead of falling down like a waterfall it just fell to the ground.

Chakra-infused sand? This doesn't feel like normal sand and it doesn't act like normal sand either. I remember, the kazekage uses chakra infused sand. But is this really how it feels? Normally chakra has to be infused by the person for the sand to be like this. So what is controlling this chakra? Is there a person nearby? Could the sand eat me up?

Boruto started heading towards the steep hill that was obscuring his view of the tundra and the rest of the desert. Boruto looked towards his left to find that he was very far from the shore.

I really must have lost track of where I was huh.

As Boruto was inching closer and closer to the top of the hill, the temperature was dropping suddenly. The sand started to become softer and softer. Boruto squatted down again to feel the sand and this time it felt soft and it fell like a waterfall. How sand should fall. Boruto once again got up and continued walking towards the top. With each step the cold taking over.

Three more steps.

Boruto's eyes widened at what he saw at the top. "No way."

The tundra began on the bottom of the other side of the hill and extended all the way towards the west which was still as far as he remembered.

How is this possible, How can the temperature drop that fast within steps. What happened to the desert. In one day a whole wasteland full of sand is snow. Is there at least sand underneath all that snow?

Boruto started walking down the other side of the hill towards the snowy area. As he walked down, the sand started to become heavier again. Boruto picked up some sand again and let it fall. Same result as on the bottom of the other hill. Boruto continued downwards and when he reached the bottom of the hill he eyed the snow carefully.

He could feel it.

The snow is also infused with chakra!? Is the weather here chakra infused? But if that's the case then why do normal storms come with chakraless rain. And some can destroy everything.

Boruto put his hand in the snow, it felt kind of chunky as he expected it to be. He reached his hand deeper and deeper into the snow trying to find sand but he couldn't. It was just snow until he reached a hard layer of ice.


Boruto drilled a 2 foot hole in the ice, only to find more ice.

Where did the sand go? Why is the sand chakra infused on the bottom of this hill but not the top.

Boruto's frustration was growing.

"How can a whole desert become ice just like that!" He screamed towards the sky.

"What the fuck is going on here! AAAAAAgh" Boruto started punching the snow. "Why does nothing make sense," his voice growing more and more desperate by the second. "I just- I just wanna go home where everything is certain." Realizing that crying would do him no good Boruto sat down on the edge of tundra and what was left of the wasteland and tried to calm down.

"I know the Dead Lands are real, but everything sounded so fake. All the rumours where Physics and time aren't applicable seemed like a joke to scare people. But hell I say I've been walking for a day but I don't really know. I've been using the sun as a guide but for all I know I could have been walking for 1 hour. I could have slept for 24 hours. Why can't I have knowledge of how the hell time works here."

Boruto looked towards the tundra and noticed all the long slopes and hills that had formed in place of the desert dunes.

Well I won't get anywhere sitting down and moping here.

As Boruto was about to get up, he noticed the hard sand had formed over his. Boruto attempted to yank his hands free from the sand's grasp but realized he could not.

What the hell is going on here.

Boruto turned his head around towards the sand hill. The sand in the middle was rising as something appeared to emerge from below the dune. Boruto's eyes widened once again when he realized what was happening. Boruto tried to get free from the sand's grasp but it was too strong. Boruto found himself looking up towards the beast.

Is- is that a turtle, cuz that's one big turtle.

A great tan shell accentuated by the turtles rather strong looking limbs.

I can feel its chakra. So much power but it feels- it feels unfamiliar. So different from the surrounding chakra.

The turtle's head snapped his way

Well, I'm dying to a fucking turtle, just great. At least I'll die knowing why the bottom part of the sand was infused with chakra and the top wasn't.

As the turtle's head got closer Boruto continued to struggle, but what came after surprised him.


Thanks for reading! Comment and vote on the chapter. Till next time!!!

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