You are a young Neko wolfy abused by bullies and you parents you have moderate to sever depresstion and you are suicidal you parents also were from drug dealers kids. so yeah your life is fucked up and screwed side ways!
Where am I oh no wheres Fisk,Chara,Sally,Fuku,Lazari,and anaebble.I shoot straight up in the air wheres my hoodie?worrie not every one is safe take a shower and change, my brother,Trendor, made you some clothes I do hope they fit and no you are not a freak a mistake and especialy not here at least.Youll be educated on what I might meen untill then I shal leave you.hmm well they know my taste I lke the moon at the top too.After I take my shower I get dressed I was smart enough to lock the door and I had a felling I was in the slender mansion it is a possiblity.I was and am so glad 'cause some one tried to open the door "Go away ya pervy and stop slamin your self against the fookin door or I'll jab ya!"I write and slip the page under the door I hear sme one yell then run away.After getting dressed in the simple but fine maid out fit ,I pad down the stairs and sighlently clean.Then once im done I walk behind a tall figure in a grayish trench coat .Toby sees what I'm doin g and I put a finger to my lips and my tail slowly carefully wraps around his long ass legs and thump he falls to the ground .Then as a few other figures walk in I slap the man twice once with my tail once with my hand and every one busts out laughing as I had to to add the explianation as to justify my action I say"the first one was dealt to to you for being a pery bich I mean not even ul would do that!And the second is for being disrepectful.""What you mean 'disrespect full cutie? ""I mean walking around a house that is not your own in fucking pant and a have closed Coat ya dum ass!"sI ssay my voice seething whith anger and slight static.Then I feel calm and I once more loose the ability to speak.
"Oh my.What has hap*gasp*pend*gasp*here?"I hear a voice say still trying to catch their breasth after laughing at the seen.I wip around and wright"Im terribly sorry sir .It seenms to me as though i've lost my temper a tad bit and as you can see it seems a certain pervert has taken some damage."n as I bend down into a proper maid bow."S-slend-dy h-he -h-had i-i-it c-coming a-a-already."Toby says and Lazari adds"yeah he was bad dont punish pet ,er maid lady!""Calm down I was not going to not in the least bit.Apoligies accepted miss,seems like he deserved it and also far more thank you for puting a shirt on him.Though how can you talk ?""honestly I havnet the slightest idea who i managed to just now but the most logical explanation is the more serious an emtion is the louder my voice becomes.Guys ... Im not gonna say im sorry for keeping my secret from you because you kept yours from me and I didnt feel like telling.As far as other matters go Im asuming that yuo are tranderman considering that your the only trendabol one here than you for the clothes they are absolutleuy woderfull.Little ones I am very sorry for scaring you all."ffffffffuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck my hand hurts some much ."Hey punk me and clocky made these so you wont haave to wright"Undyne says noticeing my these are cool
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'-_- "fufufufufuf It can change to match the style of clothing you were to>they allow you to speak."" thanks !""Oh shit !i forgot that mother and father are coming over!"Slenderman says."I'll cook and entertain! I dont usauly do this b but hhhhhhhhhhoooooooooo.............I -I will sing. "My freinds look shocked then Brian spoke up"Okay slender you do nt want to pass this up ive heard her sing the little ones to bed it is awsome !"Then I relized c that I had tenticles lavender with black twisting stripes alon them "huh,I guess this is one of my newley unlocked powers,Frisk ,Chara go and get these from the special place I mentioned this mornining Master could you do placement and seating order.Masky I need you to help me cook and tell me what they like.Let go people!"We finished 30 minutes early and the girls brung me up the sairs to sally's room.