My "daily routene"

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Sigh *Well time to face the day of hell that awais me .I ge out of bed turning of the alarm on my phone.i look at the one thing I have takin inerest to ...Creepypasta.I feel that they are real and that they gets what it is like and slenderman saved them from what Im currently going through.Welp I grab my back and sneek out to school "um why do i have to sneek out ?"Iask reminding my self that my parents are drug dealers and alchoholics "right becuase my shity ittle parents if I really even can caallac them shits that are abusive and are never going to love me." I conclude in mye head ........Wait a minute my hoodie I grab my (f/c( hoodie and yank down the hood so it hides my wolf earss.Then I wrap my long cat tail down my leg in my jeans (out fit upabove)Then I dash of to shcool.When I reach school I realize that I have about 40 minutes before school starts.I pull out the phone ivy get me when I turned 16.I played the sound track and listend to the song Megalovania

as I pu the buds in my ears I pull out a pocket knife.Then I wip around as my wolf ears pick up the smallest sound I turn of the music.In realization I yell out" Jane,Jeff,Timothy,Toby,E.J,Brian,L.J's,Sally,Silver,Annabel,Lazari,Zach,Brien,and Frisk,Sans,Dyne,Alphy,Paperusget your creepy asses out the god damned trees!

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