Mutual? ***(Sebastian x Reader x Chris Evans)

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Pairing: Chris Evans x Reader x Sebastian Stan

Word count: 2,721

Warnings: Smut, FWB, Threesome, slight cussing.

Requested: Yes, by a lovely Anon

Summary: Your FWB likes to spoil you and you and you were trying to get him to stop, but he wouldn't listen. What happens when he buys you a new dress and you wear it to one of his parties?

"No... I'm not letting you buy me another dress... You buy me to much already," you sigh as you walk back and forth in the break room at your work. It had already been a long day and you were finally on your last break. You were talking to one of your best friends, Chris, technically you were more than friends, but no one else knows that.

"Come on... You would love this one," he begs you.

"Why, Chris... Why would I let you buy me another dress... I have plenty of dresses, most of which you bought, by the way," you remind him.

"Believe me, I remember," he laughs. "But seriously, Y/N... Please."

"Absolutely not," you say with finality. "I gotta go. My break is over. I'll see you later."

"Ugh, fine," he grumbles and you can practically hear him rolling his eyes before he hangs up the phone. You laugh as you put your phone back in your pocket and og back to the coffee shop to finish your shift.

"Two more hours and I can go home," you whisper to yourself as you walk inside. Once your shift is done and you've clocked out, you head home so you can finally relax. You toss your keys and purse on the table by the door and slip your shoes off before walking down the hall to your room. You intend on changing your clothes, but you're distracted when you see a box sitting on your bed with a card lying on top. You eye it suspiciously as you walk over and open the card.

"Wear this to the party tonight. XX"

"I'm gonna fucking kill him...." you swear under your breath as you reach to open the box. He was right, you did love this one. It was a bright blue dress that flatters your figure in the best way possible. You laid it out on the bed while you went to shower and get ready. Once you were finished with your hair and makeup, you slipped the dress on. It was perfect. You made sure you turned up a little late, just to make him wait. Your eyes met when you walked in the room and you saw him smile as he walked over to you.

"Well, don't you look nice... New dress?" Chris asks you sarcastically.

"Yes, actually, some random guy left it for me... never met him before," you tell him with a straight face. He just glares at you, making you laugh. "Thank you," you tell him quietly with a smile. "It's perfect... but you have got to stop with all the stuff."

"Why? Do you not like it?" he asks you worriedly.

"It's not that... I just... I don't want you to think that I'm taking advantage of you or...using you or something," you tell him as he shakes his head.

"No... Never. I don't feel that way at all. I like doing things for you. I like seeing you happy," he smiles at you. You feel your face flush at his words.

"Anyone here worth talking to?" you ask, changing the subject.

"Eh... not really," he says as he scrunches his face.

"Ugh then why do you throw these things?" you laugh.

"To make you come to them," he laughs back. "Come on, let's go talk to people." He wraps an arm around your back and leads you into the crowd. You follow along and keep up with the conversation for a while before you slip off to get yourself a drink. You end up talking to a couple of girls near the drinks before you make it back to Chris and you stay there for a while.

Sebastian Stan/Chris Evans ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now