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'Wait... Did Harry just... Giggle?!'

Draco thinks to himself, and his face blushes a lot.

"Oh, Gods, Draco!" Harry said, turning to him, putting a hand on his face. "Are you ok?!"

"O-oh... Y-yeah! I'm... I'm fine..." Draco stammers, smiling and trying, but failing, to hide his red face.

"I'm not sure about that." Harry frowns.

"D-don't worry!"

"I think he is just nervous." Luna says. "After all, we have a presentation in potions later today."

Draco was really grateful for Luna saving him the embarrassment.

After class, however, Luna stopped Draco.

"What do you need?" He asked.

"I know you like Harry a lot." Luna says, smirking.

Draco's face gets hot.


"I was willing to let you have the ROR for a full 2 hours all to yourselves."

Luna stands there, smirking, obviously shipping them, while Draco's face gets redder and he stammers even more.

Finally, Draco responds.


"Great! Ask Harry if it's ok! And if yes I'll meet you outside the ROR on Wednesday!" Luna says happily and skips away.

What did Draco just accept to?

He finds Harry in their room, changing out of his robes. Draco gives him a quick kiss on the cheek and hoes into the shower.

Harry had not worried where Draco was, but he saw him come in with a redder face than before. Harry had slight pains after noticing this. Harry just decided it was nothing. The next days leading up to Wednesday, Draco was friendlier to Luna. Harry had been getting more pains. Draco even told him that he had been groaning in his sleep. On Wednesday, Draco asked him to come with him at 20:00. Harry didn't know what was going on, he just followed Draco. As they turned a corner, Harry saw Luna, and as she saw Draco, she gave the biggest smile Harry has ever seen her give anyone after the war.

"AGH!" Harry yelled and let go of Draco's hand and doubled over.

"Harry!" Draco said, crouching down next to him.

"I-I'm fine ...." Harry said, getting up. "Really."

"Well... If you're sure..." Draco said. "I have something to show you!"

Luna could not hold it in any longer. She laughed. Harry looked at her like she was crazy, and Draco smiled.

"What kind of joke are you two keeping from me?!" Harry said, annoyed.

"Just come on." Draco said, grabbing Harry's hand again.

Luna led them into the ROR. The room was similar to the room Draco found Harry in after the Veela ceremony, but the walls were covered with rainbow lights and flags. Luna winked at Draco and left. Harry watched her leave, confused.

"Why are we here?"

Veela CeremonyWhere stories live. Discover now